Monday, August 26, 2024

Kamala won't debate

Here we go: "Kamala Harris Is Trying to Back Out of the Debates."

Legal Insurrection: "ABC Must Announce the Rules of the Trump, Harris Debate - Hot mics, seats, and notes? It’s a “he said, she said” situation. Tell us the debate rules, ABC."

What's this "notes" B.S.?  Who brings notes to a debate?  The whole point of a debate is that you must stand and deliver on your position.  This only confirms the belief that neither Biden nor Harris can survive separated from a teleprompter.

Also: the hot microphone ploy is just so Harris can do her girlboss "I'm speaking" schtick if Trump clears his throat.  It's all so obvious.

This is just setting up for an excuse to back out.


Anonymous said...

Comrade Harris may be too incompetent to debate, but she has other underappreciated competencies, like the ability to make lifelong Democrats endorse Trump and campaign for him.

Anonymous said...

Biden won't debate.
Biden won't debate.
Biden won't debate.
Kamala won't debate.
Kamala won't debate.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL):
“The reason why Kamala Harris wants to change the rules now to have open microphones is ‘cause she wants to interrupt Donald Trump. She wants to be able to create a spectacle out of this debate which would prevent her from actually being forced to discuss public policy, discuss her positions in detail.”