Sunday, August 04, 2024

The shifting standard of evidence

Washington Post opinion piece: "Trump baselessly blames assassination attempt on Democratic messaging."

In a world where every Trump tweet is a call to violence, golly, we just can't figure out the shooter's motive and it would be wrong to speculate.  When they find the notebook reading "I shot Trump because Joe Biden told me he was a threat to democracy" it will be dismissed and memory-holed just as readily. 


Anonymous said...

No demographic group obeys Joe Biden's tacit instructions the way that "registered Republicans with assault weapons and pro-Trump signs on their front lawns" obey Joe Biden's tacit instructions.

Anonymous said...

Yor are correct, the Democrats are much worse. Maxine tells them to harass and confront, and Democrats jump at the chance. BLM tells them to burn down cities, Democrats light the buildings on fire, and grab some free stuff for good measure. It's not Democrats getting shot at softball games and rallies. It's not Sonia Sotomayor's house having to be protected from mob violence or Republican's harassing students at "institutions of higher learning".
Democrats can't even stop themselves from attacking other Democrats because one side supports Israel and the other supports terrorists.

Plus Joe Biden can't give tacit instructions, he's not lucid enough to order lunch.

Anonymous said...

You were so energized when you assumed that a Democrat had shot Donald Trump. Oops.

Now Viking is trying to wish an imaginary notebook into reality. And your Republicans (NOT Democrats) who were shot at the rally were shot by a Republican.

You're still whining over the peaceful protests outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices. Unsurprisingly, January 6 didn't make your list.

Perhaps a notebook will turn up, revealing that it was Joe Biden who instructed you to make weak comparisons.