Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Unmagic Kingdom

Ace: "Disney Offers Only 30 Minutes for Questions in Its Quarterly Earnings Report; Offers Excuses For Low Attendance At Its Parks."

This quip made me laugh:
They have a great, Spinal-Tap-Manager-Level euphemism for poor park attendance: a "moderation of consumer demand" for its services and "experiences."
If you're familiar with "Spinal Tap" there's a scene where the rock band's manager explains away the band's dwindling popularity by saying the band's appeal has become "more selective." 

I'm one of those "Disney" people and, although I'm still dedicated to the Disney Cruise Line, I can't see myself going to the Orlando parks any time in the near future.  It's a shame because I love the Wilderness Lodge but the Genie nonsense really turned me off the Parks.  I'm just speculating but I imagine a lot of Disney Fans feel the same way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The woke kingdom will eventually implode. Imagine picking up a theme park for fractions of pennies on the dollar at the court house steps. Because no one else is there to bid against you.