Saturday, August 24, 2024



Anonymous said...

In which Ben Shapiro and Viking Pundit vie to be the suck-up-iest excuse maker for a lying Nazi buffoon: "Trump knew NOTHing! NOTHING!" Cue the laugh track.

Anonymous said...

It's okay - The Last Person in the Room™ has assured us she will start taking responsibility on Day One™.

Anonymous said...

It's probably best for your emotional health that you're already bracing yourself for Kamala and Day One.

But maybe Trump's farcical alibi "Project 2025, who? How? What's that?" will totally turn this election around!

Anonymous said...

You, as usual, will not be braced in any way for what is going to happen, so we can look forward to another loooong stint under a rock for you.

Anonymous said...

[Google - bring Preview back on Comments. That was supposed to say looongstint under a rock for you.]

Anonymous said...

Oh forget it.

Anonymous said...

Clap clap clap clap clap. Bravo.