Thursday, February 06, 2025

Do the slightest bit of research first, dude

Red State: "Community Notes Demolishes Dem Congressman for Wild Take on Trump at National Prayer Breakfast."

60 Minutes only airs 20 minutes

Reason: "Transcript Proves the 60 Minutes Scandal Was Always Fake - Donald Trump's complaints were always meritless, but CBS' capitulation sets a dangerous precedent for the future of the news media."

Yeah, I wasn't exactly blown away by the "evidence" of a cover-up considering that all television shows have to do a certain amount of editing.  But why was "60 Minutes" so bound to showing only 20 minutes when they clearly had time to show much more of the interview with a Presidential candidate?  I, for one, would have liked to have seen the "why do you want to be President" question that (predictably) ran into a ditch with Kamala's standard word salad of citing "ambitions, dreams and aspirations."  

That verbal tic trio appeared so often in Kamala's speeches and interviews that you can visualize the focus group memo upon which it was borne.

No more Romneys

Behind the Black: "Trump has finally taught Republicans how to fight."
One of the biggest complaints conservatives have had about the Republican Party for decades is that its politicians just would not fight. At the slightest hint that a Democrat was offended or disagreed, they’d fold like a house of cards. And their fear of the propaganda press made them so timid that Democrats could literally do anything and get away with it (as we are now finding out in the USAID scandal, which became a money laundering operation funneling taxpayer funds to partisan leftist organizations and media outlets).

Well, no more. Donald Trump got elected the first time and the second time because the one thing that stood out about him was his unwillingness to back down, and to “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
I tend to think that some of this pushback is overreach by the Democrats.  There was immigration, for sure, but in my mind the breaking point for a lot of Americans was biological men competing in women's sports.  This was the point where a lot of people didn't GAF if you called them "racist" or "transphobic" or "fascist."  That wasn't going to land anymore which is why Trump's "she's for they/them, he's for you" campaign ad was so effective.

Americans are laughing and ignoring the unhinged outrage from the Democrats now.  It's glorious.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

What? No.

CNN: "Trump says Palestinians should leave Gaza permanently and US will ‘take over’ strip."

Was Trump just riffing during his presser with Netanyahu?  This is a bad idea.  Let's get back to the good ideas like taking over Greenland. 

The media is nothing if not self-righteous

Fox News: "'60 Minutes' producer defiant as CBS parent company mulls settling Trump lawsuit: 'I will not apologize' - CBS News was ordered to send the raw transcript of the Kamala Harris interview to the FCC."

The Trump Presidential Library is going to covered with solid gold by the time he's done.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Climate cult catastrophe

Quillette: "Three Hard Truths About California’s Fire Crisis"
The Democrats’ position presents a striking irony. California’s progressive leadership has positioned itself at the forefront of climate change policy, championing emissions reductions and denouncing climate scepticism. Yet when faced with the practical requirements of climate change preparedness, whether conducting controlled burns, maintaining water infrastructure, or restricting development in fire-prone areas—they have proven to be inept. They appear more comfortable with grand pronouncements about global challenges than with the unglamorous work of preparing their own communities for climate realities they themselves warn about.
The grandstanding and climate moralizing was job #1.  Making sure a 117 million gallon reservoir was available to fight fires was somewhere down the list.

Democrats have a big problem with the male vote

Therefore, the solution is David Hogg: "The Democratic Party Wants to Die."
That pretty much brings us to the current day. As far as I can tell, Hogg has never held a real job, and none of his activism has ever added up to anything but losing elections. His home state of Florida has become solidly red, and we all know how the national elections in 2024 turned out. In other words, Hogg appears to be the least qualified, least accomplished DNC official in history, and yet, Democrats saw his record and thought, "Let's make him one of our leaders."

It's astonishing when you think about it. As I said at the beginning of this piece, this is a party with a death wish. If anyone thought, and some more moderate Democrats presumably did, that there would be a course correction, they were incredibly wrong. Not only has there not been a course correction, but the party's leaders are going further into woke insanity, making it the very core of their messaging and identity. 
Don't change a thing, Dems.  You're doing great.

I think it was Ace when speaking about the Washington Post that it needs to fire half their staff and start from square one.  In a similar vein the Democrats don't need a scalpel, they need a machete.  But they just don't realize it.

Sorry!  I meant "xey" don't realize it.

It's a new day

Based Underground: "Fox News Host Takes Down ‘The View’ for the First Time Ever in Ratings Showdown" - "Fox News host Harris Faulkner’s program, “The Faulkner Focus,” took down ABC’s “The View” in average total ratings for the first time ever in the month of January." 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Come on over, Frenchy!

Yahoo Finance: "French luxury billionaire sparks tax debate with threat to leave." - "Bernard Arnault, the billionaire boss of the world's biggest luxury conglomerate LVMH, has picked a fight with the French government by suggesting that companies could flee France for the United States to escape a planned tax hike." 

This article is laughably bad

Boston Globe: "Democrats need to start winning elections in all 50 states."

Throw it onto the pile: yet another opinion piece where Democrats delude themselves into believing the actual problem is communication and messaging.  I did a word search on "immigration" and it wasn't there.  But, sure, go to rural Iowa and communicate how the federal government can help you out.  Get that message out.

In the big picture, as the DNC, choosing new leadership, surveyed its current position — out of power — leaders told themselves that the causes of the party’s failures are 1). racism and misogyny, and 2). poor communications. That is what losing parties do. Somebody else is to blame. Our only fault is insufficiently communicating to voters how wonderful we are.

How to get rich through socialism

It's the Bernie Sanders method: "Guy Who Owns Three Houses Brags About Taking Donations From Working Class People, Not 'Greedy' CEOs." 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Defund NPR

This would make me so happy: "NYT: Trump's War on NPR/PBS Is Real, and It's Spectacular."  NPR, in particular, is just the worst as meticulously detailed by Uri Berliner last year: "I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust."
Back in 2011, although NPR’s audience tilted a bit to the left, it still bore a resemblance to America at large. Twenty-six percent of listeners described themselves as conservative, 23 percent as middle of the road, and 37 percent as liberal.

By 2023, the picture was completely different: only 11 percent described themselves as very or somewhat conservative, 21 percent as middle of the road, and 67 percent of listeners said they were very or somewhat liberal. We weren’t just losing conservatives; we were also losing moderates and traditional liberals. 
Trump broke NPR just like any number of newspapers and magazines.  They burned their credibility on a pyre of TDS.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Trump's new press secretary: "You guys in the legacy Media suck"

Man, what a great opening for Karoline Leavitt.  Before taking questions, she castigated that mainstream media and threw some questions to the "new" media.  Amazingly, I don't think she looked down at her podium a single time while answering questions: "First White House Press Briefing for Karoline Leavitt Has the Press Off Balance Dealing With Competency."

If you want to get a feel for the kind of justified pushback this White House is going to rain down on the legacy Media: "Karoline Leavitt: It's Nice of You to Suddenly Care About the Price of Eggs, But the Increase Happened While the President You Corruptly Covered for Was "Sleeping Upstairs in the Residence". 

Damn, girl.

You don't hate the media enough

Outkick: "New York Magazine Appears To Crop Out All Black Attendees Of Trump Inauguration Event."

Despicable.  Gotta maintain that narrative.