From People: “Jessica Alba angry over Playboy cover”: “Jessica Alba, who graces the cover of Playboy's March issue wearing a bikini, isn't happy to be there. In a lengthy letter obtained by the Smoking Gun Web site from the legal department of Columbia Pictures (the studio behind Alba's movie Into the Blue) to the men's magazine's legal department, the film company expresses "dismay and anger over the outrageous, unethical behavior" it claims the magazine exercised "to obtain the photograph of Jessica Alba that was used without authorization."
“Unethical behavior” to obtain a photo of Jessica? I’d say that happens a half-dozen times a day on the Internet. Maybe twenty.
The difference is thatshe's not getting payed for use of the photo.
She can't possibly be as pissed as we are that she isn't featured on the inside.
This sounds like a good and legit excuse to buy a few copies! You can tell the wife/gf that it's an "investment" that should pay off if Alba wins her lawsuit.
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