Monday, October 03, 2005

Opportunities lost

I know it’s fashionable and all too easy as a Republican to criticize President Bush now that he’s safely re-elected, but what happened? He seems to believe that “compassionate conservatism” is all compassion in the form of wild spending sprees and no conservatism, at least in the fiscal sense. Now, with re-election and a comfortable party majority in Congress, Dubya has an unprecedented opportunity to shape federal policy and the judiciary. Harriet Miers? C’mon already.

And whatever happened to “spending political capital” to reform Social Security before it engulfs us? Gone in the wind of Katrina. The Republicans in Congress are complicit in the spending spree and the failure of political nerve. It’s depressing.

Very related article: “The GOP could lose in ’06 Have Congressional Republicans lost their way?”

Extra – I agree/empathize with almost everything on the Corner today, along with this GOP Bloggers post.


Anonymous said...

Goodbye, Coalition of the Chillin'. Hello, Coalition of the Sullen.

Looks like the "Gang of 14" compromise had teeth after all.

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