Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Left hates free speech, a continuing series

Reason: "Democratic Attorneys General Support Censorship - In an amicus brief filed in Murthy v. Missouri, they ignore basic tenets of First Amendment law in order to quash online speech they don't like."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Left hated free speech in 2022, a continuing series:

Kash Patel says that as Trump’s next CIA Director, he will lead “patriots” appointed by Trump in an all-out effort to prosecute and jail people in government and the media:

“We will find the conspirators in government and the media. Yes, we are going to come after the people in the media.”

Univision canceled paid ads from the Biden campaign that were scheduled to have aired during Univision’s kissy-feely softball interview with Donald Trump. The network also canceled a scheduled interview with a Biden spokesperson that was to have followed the interview.

Texas Monthly:
The Texas Historical Commission Removed Books on Slavery From Plantation Gift Shops
An agency spokesperson claimed that the move had nothing to do with politics. Internal emails show otherwise.

After the Satanic placed its holiday display alongside the other religious displays in the Des Moines Iowa state capital, State Rep. Brad Sherman called it "a tortured and twisted interpretation of law that affords Satan, who is universally understood to be the enemy of God, religious expression equal to God in an institution of government that depends upon God for continued blessings." Otherwise known as The Worst Amendment.

GOP politician Michael Cassidy subsequently destroyed the display.

However, 2023 starts with teeny-tiny good news! Some of Florida's Republican legislators have taken enough of a national beating for book banning that they would very much like it to stop. (The criticism, not the book banning.)

They're now trying to tinker with their unconstitutional law. Complainants would have to pay a $100 fee to challenge six or more books such as the dictionary, and have them automatically pulled from school shelves.

But the first five book bans are still free!