Saturday, January 06, 2024

Losing $100 million a year

Red State: "The Washington Post Is in Full-Scale Collapse"
As to the reasons behind this precipitous fall, I think they are fairly obvious. Nothing the Post produces is worthwhile. Their columnists are boring parrots who all say the same thing, levying the same boring attacks they were levying nearly a decade ago. Even a dyed-in-the-wool liberal can only take so many Jennifer Rubin columns claiming the end is nigh for the nation because Republicans get to vote. 
I complain about the bias of the mainstream media constantly but even the collapse of their business won't penetrate their bubble and force some self-reflection.  How much longer will Bezos dump money into this failing business?

In other news, I'm happy to see that Republicans are increasingly pushing back on the liberal press.  They are the enemy and should be treated as such. 


Anonymous said...

Wow, losing $100 million?

That's 4% of what Fox News, OAN and Newsmax will be paying Dominion Voting Systems for their on-air slander.

Which also had the effect of poisoning a sizable majority of Republican minds.

Who's the enemy?

Meanwhile, the free thinking non-parrots working for News Corp (Wall Street Journal, New York Post, the UK Sun, etc) and the Fox Corporation (Fox News, Fox Business, Fox News Radio, etc) spent 2023 being laid off by the thousands. Incredibly, not by Jeff Bezos.

Anonymous said...

Plagiarist Defends Newspaper That Produces His Best Writing"