Monday, January 22, 2024

One-hundred percent accurate

The Left hates free speech and will stop at nothing to squelch Conservatives:

I've mentioned this before, but Reddit - in particular - is a cesspool of censorship where only viewpoints to the left of Bernie Sanders are allowed.  I've been permanently banned from several subreddits for the most petty and punitive reasons such as "posting two stories within an hour."  The last straw was this exchange that got me permanently banned from the r/Massachusetts subreddit:

That was the entire comment: "What is a woman?" clearly in response to an attack on rhetoric.

On some level, I understand because liberals just plain suck at debate.  You don't need to look much further than the recent "debate" between Brit commentator Douglas Murray and the Young Turks host Cenk Uygur over the Israel-Hamas war.  Here's the headline from the National Review but you really need to watch the whole video to taste the desperation in Uygur's flailing attacks: "Cenk Uygur Melts Down in Debate with Douglas Murray over Israel–Hamas War."

There's a reason that celebrity Leftists like Al Gore and Ibram Kendi (and, for that matter, Joe Biden) refuse to debate.  They want the spotlight, but don't want to be questioned or challenged.  Hence the bend towards censorship and the suppression of Conservative ideas in the mainstream media.


Anonymous said...

On some level, I understand because liberals just plain suck at debate. ...There's a reason that celebrity Leftists like Al Gore and Ibram Kendi (and, for that matter, Joe Biden) refuse to debate.

Whatever makes you feel braver and superior. As the Sundance Kid said, "Think you used enough Jergens lotion there, Butch?"

True: The only candidate who has ever no-showed a presidential debate is a Republican. Bit of a celebrity, too.

Anonymous said...

Xwitter tells us that Ben Shapiro "won't debate" Nick Fuentes.

Where does this fit into the imaginary ideological thermometer of imaginary fear and weakness?

Who knew that conservatives were suppressing conservative ideas?

(Also, declining to debate an asshole is neither censorship nor suppression.)