Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Overplaying their hand, yet again

This is getting tiresome: the monthly declaration that the Bush presidency is “over.” Now WashPost lefty E.J. Dionne, using that Paul Krugman rigor for invective over reason, is declaring the end of the Bush era because of Katrina. Whatever, dude. Hugh Hewitt isn’t convinced – he’s delighted:

The great news about the left is that its capacity for self-delusion is undiminished by the electoral losses of the past few years. It remains eager to believe what it wants to believe, in this case that President Bush is in deep political trouble. Bookmark and save E.J.'s piece. It will be fun to link to whenever the president achieves another political victory.
And, in an excellent post, Academic Elephant opines:

This editorial is pure fantasy on the part of a deeply bitter man who rages against his own impotence.
More from Decision08 and Strata-sphere. Although I complain regularly about the liberal media, it’s clear that it plays right into Republican hands by weaving the cocoon of inevitability around the American Left. All hail the New York Times!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when November 2006 rolls around and Democrats continue to lose, it'll be like, "BUT HOW!?!?!! EVERYONE hates Bush and the GOP. NOBODY likes lower taxes and Social Security reform and the spread of freedom in the world. How could this be?"