Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A grand jury would indict a ham sandwich

I’m coming in late to the Tom Delay story, but it doesn’t look good. Combine this with the Bill “Blind trust” Frist, and you have all the makings of an “abuse of power” narrative for the Democrats. Still, there’s a lot of indication that this case is extremely weak and perhaps impossible to prosecute successfully:

Media Blog: “Bottom line: Even people who aren't fans of Tom DeLay should show some intellectual honesty and admit that this is an out-of-control prosecutor and a phony charge.” And this: “I doubt that the case will go to trial.. It would be a difficult and technical prosecution.”
NRO’s Corner: “The more I analyze this, the more outrageous this appears.”
Jeffrey Toobin on CNN: “Conspiracy charges are very hard to prove without an insider.”
PowerLine: “[The indictment] is pathetic. The only time it mentions DeLay's name is when it alleges that he agreed to toll the statute of limitations! The indictment contains no suggestion of what he supposedly did that was illegal.”
Captain Ed: “Don't be surprised to find this indictment quashed within a few weeks.”
And here’s a huge roundup on Michelle Malkin's blog.

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