Two words to scare Democrats that aren’t “gay marriage”
I just got back from my weekend jaunt to Boston and there’s no way to overstate the travesty of the “Big Dig.” As the Dems meet in Beantown in July, the GOP should hammer away that this boondoggle is the pinnacle of Democratic pork, patronage, and poor planning.
We passed through several of the vaunted tunnels, each one with their own toll (I was gouged electronically with Fast Pass!) Still, the traffic was horrendous for a weekend. As we walked over an overpass near the Museum of Science, there was a line of cars at least a mile long at 1 P.M. on a Sunday. And everywhere you look is the eyesore of destruction where they’re tearing down the old highway. The union kickbacks for this project must dwarf even Ted Kennedy’s bar bill.
The Republicans should highlight this long sap on the federal and state budgets as an example of how Democrats handle the taxpayers’ money. Hell, the GOP might even win Massachusetts.
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