Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ignore Biden like the Borg

In the Star Trek universe, there is a species known as The Borg.  A collective hive mind, the members of the Borg will not react to anybody or anything unless they consider them a threat.  Thus there are several episodes where the Star Trek: TNG characters will board the Borg ship and none of the Borg drones react until they consider something a danger.

Republicans should now ignore Biden like the Borg.  Biden is no longer a threat.

In fact, we should amplify the support of politicians like Senator Chris Coons and Governor Wes Moore.  Biden is the best!  Keep going, buddy, you're doing great.

Borg collective: "Biden is sharp and engaged...behind closed doors.  Also: resistance is futile."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Republicans should now become "a collective hive mind"? Heh.