Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Sweden leads the way for Europe

Wall Street Journal: "Europe Follows Sweden in Tilting to the Populist Right - The new right’s success has alerted liberals to the threat to social cohesion from mass immigration."

Wonder why the immigrant backlash started in Sweden?  Probably all the grenade attacks: "Sweden’s new normal: Bombs in the suburbs on a weeknight.


Anonymous said...

A few messy details:

The populist right is about to be annihilated in the United Kingdom elections, 3 weeks from tomorrow.

Polls suggest the Conservatives will retain fewer than 100 seats. Which would be, by far, the party's worst result ever.

Hard right prime minister Viktor Orban just took it in the shorts in Hungary's election this week. It was his party's single worst result in two decades.

The center left won in Denmark. Italy voted out 10 of its conservative EU Parliament members. Liberals and the far left both did just fine in Belgium. The same goes for various other countries. And grenade-shy Sweden elected 0 new conservative candidates to the EU Parliament.

And the right won a number of elections, too. That's how it works with 27 countries.

India's conservative nationalist leadership also got their asses kicked in their general election two weeks ago. For some reason they haven't been invited to join the European Union.

Anonymous said...

It gets messier:

The populist right is about to be annihilated in the United Kingdom elections. Heh. Calling the British Conservative Party "the populist right" brings one to helpless tears of laughter.

Hard right prime minister Viktor Orban just took it in the shorts in Hungary's election this week. From that statement, you'd never suspect what the Washington Post managed to discover: "Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s nationalist party took the most votes in Sunday’s European Parliament elections." Taking a victory in the shorts is the best way to take it, I always say.

Italy voted out 10 of its conservative EU Parliament members. For some reason, The Washington Post worded that leftist victory differently: "The triumph of Giorgia Meloni’s [hard right] party in European Parliament elections this week has transformed the G-7 summit in Puglia into a victory lap."

Liberals and the far left both did just fine in Belgium. Yeah, if your definition of "just fine" includes the leftist prime minister resigning in tears after the election. The AP gives us the details: "Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo became emotional as he thanked supporters on Sunday after his liberal party took a hit in the country's general election. Flemish nationalist parties dominated in Belgium's general election on Sunday and De Croo’s party faces difficult coalition talks to form a new government."

[Since you didn't try to gaslight us on the results in France, I won't torment you by relating the panic of French President Macron in calling for snap parliamentary elections in response to the "messy details" of the European vote.]

The unfortunate, blinkered commenter above would never dream that CNN, of all outlets, summed up the European elections like this: [L]iberal and Green groups lost seats and relevance in the European Parliament.

Anonymous said...

Your limited Google search failed to rehabilitate GOP strongman mancrush Viktor Orban, who very much took his election in the shorts this week.

You actually celebrated Hungary's Viktor Orban's election win while simultaneously chortling over Belgium's Alexander De Croo losing.

Guess which side took the most votes in Belgium? It was De Croo and de crew.

Sadly, Orban and De Croo each suffered an identical result. Both leaders just lost their majorities. As a result, both of their parties must now make concessions to form a coalition government. The center-right European People’s Party (the largest grouping in the EU) has already invited Hungary's opposition party to join them.

You say it's a win for Orban’s Fidesz party, but a loss for De Croo’s Open VLD party. What’s the Hungarian-Belgian word for “double standard"?

Calling the British Conservative Party "the populist right" brings one to helpless tears of laughter.

One, and one alone.

If you ever manage to control your convulsive hysteria, try Googling “Brexit.”

It’ll provide a clue as to why populist Boris Johnson’s Tories won 317 seats in their previous election, and are now projected to win fewer than a hundred.

The far right made some gains in EU elections. But not everywhere; the far right was rebuked or thwarted in various countries. They did very well in France, they flopped in Poland.

Following the disparate election results in 27 nations, pro-European and democratic forces still hold the majority in the EU parliament by a comfortable margin.

The sizes of the two major centrist blocs that comprise the majority coalition aren't much different than before. Before the elections, they held 55% of the seats. Now they hold 53% of the seats. Either of the two centrist blocs has more EU seats than all of the “new right” seats added together. You know who says so? Google.

Conservatives love, love, love to use "Europe" as a pejorative.

Except for those special times when they pull an about-face, and cite Europe as total validation of their positions. There is always an autocratic leader or a dark headline that will serve that purpose.

I understand. Election cycles here in the colonies haven’t been going so well for you, so you’re shopping elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Orban and De Croo each suffered an identical result.

Yeah, if your definition of "identical result" includes Orban keeping his job and more than half of the Euro delegates (11 of 21), while De Croo resigns in tears. But I already told you that before and it didn't sink in. So let him tell you: “For us, it’s a particularly difficult evening. We lost. As of tomorrow, I will resign as prime minister.”

It's all like some sort of Hungarian-Belgian "double standard," isn't it?

In De Croo's place, according to The Guardian, "A new government is likely to coalesce around the rightwing New Flemish Alliance (N-VA)."

[P]opulist Boris Johnson’s Tories ... are now projected to win fewer than a hundred [seats].

Um, they're neither Boris Johnson's Tories, nor are they populist. But things look dire, and all because of "Brexit," right? I Googled it as you suggested, and found that another party, Reform UK (genuinely populist), is now polling ahead of the Tories, just 10 days after Nigel Farage became Reform UK's leader. So the former leader of the actual Brexit party is outpolling the Tories, who are being rejected, according to you, because of Brexit. You'd better come up with something else for me to Google.

The sizes of the two major centrist blocs [in the Euro Parliament] that comprise the majority coalition aren't much different than before.

You look at the center with tunnel vision and insist, "all is well," but the AP can't, and summed it up: "Far-right parties made big gains in the European Parliament in election results that rattled the traditional powers."

Anonymous said...

The unfortunate, blinkered commenter above would never dream that CNN, of all outlets, summed up the European elections like this: “[L]iberal and Green groups lost seats and relevance in the European Parliament.”

Was that the shortest CNN article ever? Not quite.

Here are some further quotes from, of all outlets, the exact same CNN article:

“Far-right parties across the continent had strong showings, but their momentum did not cause the center ground of European politics to cave in – as many had predicted.”

“Despite a far-right surge, the centrist European People’s Party (EPP) was the biggest single winner on Sunday night.”

“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen appeared to rule out any possibility of the party banding together with the far-right factions, telling journalists that she will be reaching out to The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) and centrist and liberal Renew Europe to form a “broad majority for a strong Europe.”

“Von der Leye outlined her desire to keep pushing on with parties who are “pro-European, pro-Ukraine, pro-rule-of-law.”

“Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni saw her party make gains, and ended the process as a major player in European politics.

Her domestic party, Brothers of Italy, was the most rightwing to be elected to government in Italy since that of Benito Mussolini, the wartime fascist leader. But Meloni has proven a pragmatic figure in Europe, becoming an ally of von der Leyen, and a staunch supporter of Ukraine, while pushing the bloc to take a firmer stance on migration.”

“Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s efforts to make Poland a force in Brussels were boosted after his party held off the populist opposition Law and Justice (PiS) group to secure an outright victory. Tusk has rebuilt Warsaw’s reputation at the European table after defeating PiS in a national election last October.”

“Brussels’ mainstream leaders will also be relieved that Hungary’s authoritarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, for so long a thorn in the EU’s side, was dealt a blow on Sunday.”

Anonymous said...

What's the matter? Isn't CNN willing to back you up on your claims that the results for Orban and De Croo were identical, that a leftist resigning in tears and turning his government over to a right-wing coalition represents doing "just fine", and that the Tories' troubles are because of Brexit?

The one simple fact that you would rather die than admit, that sends you into wild, spinning, entertaining distraction is, again (in the words of an outlet that hates right-wing populism):

"Far-right parties made big gains in the European Parliament in election results that rattled the traditional powers."

Anonymous said...

Isn't CNN willing to back you up on your claims that...the Tories' troubles are because of Brexit?

The British press has lightly addressed this make-believe claim. Well, not so lightly. All recent headlines.

Brexit Still Haunts the UK as Conservatives Flail Before the General Election

Rishi Sunak Takes Post-Brexit UK to the Polls

Brexit hasn’t gone away. Just look at the polls

Local elections 2024: Labour pulling off strong wins with 'truly historic' shock in Tory stronghold - as results show Brexit shift

Brits think Labour will unpick Brexit. They may be disappointed.

UK political parties snipe over Brexit, immigration at first TV debate

Audience gasp as post-Brexit migration numbers revealed to Rishi Sunak

Why do Tories keep repeating their £2,000 tax smear? Because Brexit convinced them that lying works

Former UK PM Theresa May, brought down by Brexit, to quit as lawmaker

Brexit voters back Reform over Tories for first time

Sunak's campaign was a Nigel Farage tribute act – and now he's been upstaged | Rafael Behr

Rishi Sunak’s Brexit trade agenda is faltering. Are the Gulf states his last hope?

Britain’s farmers’ revolt is a Brexit backlash that could hurt Sunak

Re-joining EU is our longer term objective - Lib Dems

Blackpool byelection shows Labour is back in Brexit-voting areas

Sunak and Starmer are stuck in a conspiracy of silence on Brexit at this election

Anonymous said...

The EU's center-right and center-left parties now hold 399 seats (previously 417).

The EU's right and far-right parties:
131 seats (previously 118)

The EU's left and green parties:
89 seats (previously 108)

The EU's non-aligned parliamentarians:
101 seats (previously 62)

Not quite a red wave election.

But it's way, way larger than the last three American red tsunamis that never came. No wonder vicarious tourists like you are so excited.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard?

"Far-right parties made big gains in the European Parliament in election results that rattled the traditional powers."

Anonymous said...

🎵 Orban took it in the shorts
Doo-dah, doo-dah
Fanboy has just one retort
Oh, doo-dah day. 🎵

Anonymous said...

Isn't CNN willing to back you up on your claims that...the Tories' troubles are because of Brexit?

20-year London Times journalist Hugo Rifkind:

"The core lunacy of Conservative politics right now is that the thing that has killed them is a disastrous Brexit, but because they won't admit Brexit was a disaster they're now being killed again by the guy who a more rational party would be blaming for all of it."

Anonymous said...

Hugo's 20 years of professional experience brought him here...?

"The Tories are in trouble because they implemented Brexit but won't apologize for Brexit so the people are saying 'Hey, let's vote instead for the one man who is the personification of Brexit. That'll show those Brexit-loving Tories that we're punishing them for Brexit!'"

Anonymous said...

Stubborn idiocy is the best kind of idiocy.

At least Nigel Farage has a professional motive for his stubborn idiocy. What's your excuse?

In the first national election since Brexit, the Tories plus Nigel Farage's party are projected to win fewer than 100 seats, combined.

Since we've been hearing that Brexit plays no role in the polling, that cratering of support must be because of woke pronouns and DEI.

If UK conservatives were able to run as a united party, they'd still be on pace for the single worst election showing in their history. It would only be less worse.

Or maybe British support for the populist right hasn't crumbled. It's just that like Spinal Tap, their appeal is becoming more selective.

Anonymous said...

Can't tell whether you're saying my paraphrasing of 20-year Hugo's quote is accurate or not?

Anonymous said...

There's a lot you can't do.

Direct quotes are simpler than paraphrases.

Nigel Farage, 2016:
"There is one absolute certainty. If we vote to leave the European Union, we will be the masters of our own destiny.”

Nigel Farage, 2024:
"I genuinely feel that Britain is broken. Nothing actually works any more. Broken economically. Socially. Culturally. Politically. We have a breakdown of trust in politics. A lot of Brexit voters genuinely disappointed.”

All the polls say that kind of honesty and foresight will rocket Farage's party up to a total of 10 or maybe even 12 Parliament seats.

Anonymous said...

It will henceforth be called "The Brexit Miracle of 2024", when Farage managed to wipe clean his karma with the voters over Brexit by simply blaming the Tories for mismanaging it.

Anonymous said...

The UK's Brexit-shattered economy isn't going to improve anytime soon, unlike the Biden boom.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of booms, how’s that Donald Trump media stock doing? You never crow about it anymore.

I assume the Trump stock must be doing really great, because for the 31st time this year, the Joe Biden stock market closed at an all-time high!