Tuesday, June 25, 2024

No s--t, Sherlock

CNN: "Outside advisers urging Biden team to focus on Trump – not first-term record."
Several top Democrats have issued stark warnings to President Joe Biden’s camp, urging them to spend more time going directly after former President Donald Trump and less time – if any – pointing to the president’s policy record.

The reason is simple: Talking about Biden’s policy achievements is not resonating with voters.

“He wants the credit, but it’s not working,” one top Democrat, who recently shared these concerns with the campaign, said of Biden. “He needs to stop.”
I simply refuse to believe this debate is going forward.  There's going to be a sudden "international crisis" or some other such excuse to keep Dementia Joe off the stage.  

Put aside Biden's mental infirmity and his deep reliance on notecards and teleprompters.  He has two choices in this debate, neither one of them good: 1) gaslight on his record or 2) go after Bad Orange Man.  Who in America has not heard this latter drumbeat for nine years now?  There's zero evidence that the "convicted felon" mantra has or will move the needle.

The Biden camp seems to be congealing around the slogan that "Biden is for you while Trump is just for himself."  I don't see how this moves Americans who are beset by inflation and illegal immigration, wishing for the days when the world wasn't on fire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I simply refuse to believe this debate is going forward. There's going to be a sudden "international crisis" or some other such excuse to keep Dementia Joe off the stage.


wishing for the days when the world wasn't on fire.

Ahhh, sigh, those simple happy perfect days that used to be.

But supposing we put out the fires with bleach, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?