Friday, June 21, 2024

Lawfare in America

Excellent article here from WSJ: "Why Republicans Don’t Abandon ‘Felon’ Trump - They see the Democrats’ political use of the justice system as a more serious threat to democracy."

This is me:
Many Republicans who have never been Trump supporters—who are disgusted by his personal immorality, appalled by his inflammatory and often uninformed rhetoric, and unconvinced by his claims that the 2020 election was stolen—believe that Democratic prosecutors are waging lawfare against Mr. Trump. Many Republicans who condemned his part in the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol and thought he should have been impeached and convicted for it now consider the legal crusade against Mr. Trump to be as threatening to democracy as what happened that day. Democrats need to understand why.
In 2016, I voted for Marco Rubio in the primary and saw certain defeat with Trump who - at the time - I did not consider to be a real Republican.  Now I'm all-in on MAGA because this banana republic B.S. cannot profit.
Using the criminal-justice system to handicap the opposing political party is a deep-dyed violation of democratic norms—something we expect from authoritarian regimes, not in a mature, well-functioning democracy. This isn’t to say that members of the opposing party ought to be exempt from prosecution, but any such prosecution should be for real crimes that would be brought against defendants of either party. If Democrats want to be taken seriously when they claim to be defending democracy, they should take a long, hard look in the mirror and see the damage they are doing.
As detailed in the article, the prosecutors couldn't find a direct crime so they had to invent one just for Trump and Trump alone.  The Democrats were warned this lawfare would elect Trump and that's exactly what's happening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone thinks they're the hero in their own story.

Did strong women weep when you cast that brave Marco Rubio vote before completely knuckling under (like Rubio has)?

Shame on you, and shame on "the Party of Law and Order."