Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Dementia Joe speaks to Time magazine

Here's the transcript from Time.  It was another train wreck full of non-sequiturs, (unintelligible) moments, and outright lies - so many that Time felt obliged to include a fact-check.

What's striking about this interview is how Biden falls back onto the same lines and tropes, without deviation, that he's been using for three years.  For example:
"And what do you say to Americans who are worried about [your age]?"

Biden: Watch me. Look, name me a president that’s gotten as much done as I've gotten done in my first three and a half years. When all of you wrote in Time magazine I couldn't get any of it done.
OMG, the "watch me" thing again?  Yeah, we've been watching Joe.  Also, the interview is dotted with misremembered history to provide the basis for a humblebrag moment.  Everybody doubted the great Joe Biden and he proved them wrong!  His invented stories about European leaders insisting he must win is part of the same mythology.

Don't change a thing, Joey.  You're doing great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...