Sunday, June 23, 2024

The media runs with White House talking points

Independent Journal Review: "CBS News Issues Update After Getting Called Out for Falsely Labeling Video of Biden ‘Digitally Altered’."

CBS "News" went all-in on the "cheap fake!" characterization preferred by Biden's White House until people looked at the video and said "what is fake?"

This is the Biden's campaign's new strategy: don't believe your lying eyes.  


Anonymous said...

Actual verbatim quotes from Donald Trump during the last 48 hours.

Can we please move the debate to TONIGHT?

We’ll even agree to ban that secret super brain drug that magically turns senile people into Socratic orators.

Again, all of this weekend's quotes are word for word. Including the words that aren’t words.

“Because they want to get him (Biden) good and strong. So, a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the ass so thits. They want to strengthen him up. So he comes out. He'll come out. I, okay. I say he'll come out all jacked up, right? All jacked up.”

Immediately after accusing Biden of cognitive decline:
“They said [does dumb voice] ‘Sir! Don’t dignify it with a [notable pause] refuttal.’ Refutal, or a refuttal? What the hell word would that be, refuttal? They’ll say, [dumb voice] ‘HE didn’t know refuttal or a refutal.’ But they don’t know either!”

“If I blow it up here, though, they, actually, they take a perfect, brilliant, beautiful statement that I make. I go for two hours without teleprompters. And if I say one word slightly out, they say, ‘He’s cognitively impaired.’ Whereas Biden can run into walls. He can fall off the stage. He can fall up the stairs. He falls up.”

“Uh, when I equated ahhh two people, I I equated them I shouldn’t have mentioned the names but I equated [pause, uses hand in karate stance] Nikki Haley [pause, points at audience] with Nancy Pelosi. I equated them. They said [goes into dumb voice] ‘OHHH, he doesn’t understand the dih,’ no, I understand the difference. [another pause, jerks hand] ‘He doesn’t understand the difference between Haley and Pelosi,’ no, we understand that I understand a lot of differences. But anything you do, the fake news will take it and turn it, but with him, they take bad stuff and try to make. It look good with us they take genius, pure genius, and they try to make it look, right? They try make it look bad! Zee zact opposite!”

"You gotta get out and vote. Just this time. I don’t care, in four years you don't have to vote, okay? In four years, don't vote, I don't care, but heh hom. But we'll have it all straightened out, so it'll be much different.”

“If the radical Democrat extremes get their way, they will have a federal law for abortion to rip the baby out of the womb in the seventh, eighth and ninth month, and even execute the baby after birth. They have that, you know that. The governor, the governor, think of it, the governor of Virginia, previous Governor, we have a great Governor of Virginia right now, but Glenn Youngkin is doing a great job. But the previous-s-s Governor of Virginia you don’t want to make that very clear because, ah, he’s doing great, the previous was not so goo. But he actually made that statement, ‘We’ll put the baby down, after the babies, we’ll put the and you you’ll decide what to do,’ and there are states that [pause] allow that. They’re the radical ones on this issue, far and away the radical ones, not us, every voter.”

Anonymous said...

“By mocking their religion, he was mocking their religion, I wonder who that judge is. Paula is one of many peaceful pro-lifers who Joe Biden has rounded up. Sometimes with SWAT teams and thrown them in jail, many people are in jail over this, this is just crazy we’re going to get that taken care of. Immediately, first day. Immediately. But let’s call these brave Americans what they really are. It’s persecuted Christians. That’s what they are, they’re persecuted. But we will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoners unjustly victimized by the Biden regime. Including Paula! So we can get them out of the gulags and back to their families where they belong. Paula, just hold on Paula, we’re gonna get you out of there. Can you imagine this, this is a good woman is a religious woman and they throw her in jail. I will also create a new federal task force on fighting anti-Christian biasis. Mission will be to investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment persecution against Christians in America. And it’s taking place at a level that nobody can believe. We’re like a country from a different country.”

“You heard my story of the boat. With the shark. Right? I got killed on that. They thought I was rambling. I'm not rambling, we wanna make boats. And they. Are demanding they be all. [pause] Battery operated, all electric. And I was in South Carolina a this wonderful family boat yard. A big yard, make a lot of boats. You know, from 17, fishing boats, 17 to 30 feet. And I said ‘How’s everything going?’ ‘No good. They want us to go all electric.’ And I said “Well, would that work?’ ‘No, because it’s so heavy, you can’t get the boat to float. The battery is so heavy.’ So then I start talking about, asking questions. You know, I have, I had an uncle who was a great professor at M.I.T. for many years, longer, I think the longest tenure ever, very smart. Had three different degrees. [hand movements galore] And, here so I have an aptitude for things you know there is such a thing as aptitude I said ‘Well, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN if this boat is so heavy and started to sink, and you’re on the top of the boat, do you get electrocuted or not, in other words if the boat is going down and you’re on the top, will the electric currents flow through the water and wipe you out? AND LET’S SAY THERE’S A SHARK about ten yards over there. ‘Would I have to immediately abandon, or could I ride the electric down?’ They said, ‘Sir, rah, nobody’s ever asked us that question. But Sir, ah, I don’t know.’ I said ‘I wanna know because I guarantee you one thing I don’t care what happens, I’m staying with the electric. I’m not getting over with the. [wiggles hands] So I told the story, it’s you know, [weirdly breathy] jusfny. And the fake news, they go [does dumb voice] ‘He told this crazy story with electric check,’ it’s actually not crazy, it's sort of a smart story, right? Sorta like. You know, it’s like the snake, it’s a smart, dee when you, you figure what you’re leaving in, right? You’re bringing it in, you know the snake, right? The snake? And, the snake I tell that. And they do the same thing [dumb voice] ‘What does a snake have to do with illegal immigration?’ Well, hehh. I think it has a lot to do with it because that’s exactly what you know what you get.”

Anonymous said...

“I told Dana White of UFC, I said ‘Here’s what we’re gonna do, you know, these are tough cookies coming into our country, coming with prisons and [pause] mental institutions,’ I said to Dana White, UFC, he’s got a big fight going on right now he’s a good friend of mine. You know what he said the other day? They said ‘Who’s the toughest person you ever met?’ he said, ‘Definitely Donald Trump,’ he said Donald Trump. How ‘bout that? BUT I SAID ‘DANA, Dana, I have an idea for you to make a lot of money. You're going to go and start a new Migrant Fight League, migrants, only migrants. And then at the end of the year, the champion migrant is gonna fight your champion. And I hate to tell you, Dana, I think the migrant might win.’ That’s how tough they are.”

“Biden, and they made up a story about me, with suckers and losers. They made up this story about me. Looking down. At graves. Saying sucker they make it up. Suckers and losers. Who would surrounded by military people. There’s nobody that’s stupid enough to make that statement think of it. And I was president. I would have said that would’ve been aaah justified for somebody to start taking swings at me as president. But they made it up it’s a phrase that’s totally made up. By a third rate magazine that’s going out of business, losing a fortune. I think it was the Atlantic. A magazine that nobody reads. They got lucky, they got some sucker to fund it for a while. Some stupid sucker. Her husband’s looking down, her former husband is looking down, he’s saying ‘You dumb my pshhhoulda never.’ She took his money and she said ‘The Atlantic magazine, let’s let’s waste millions of dollars. But no, they made it up. And, you know, you say it’s not true but, diss ten percent, five percent of military people believe it, this is what we have to live with. It’s horrible. Who would say it just think of it, who would say that about, even if you hated the military you wouldn’t say it. And you wouldn’t certainly say it to military people. So just yerzjuss from a common standpoint. But that thing’s haunted me for three years. For three years, I’ll never forget I walk out of a big rally everything was great it was an unbelievable. And some of the fake news over there, one of them, said [does dumb voice] ‘Sir, did you call the um, the dead, the dead military suckers and losers>’ Before I even responded, I said ‘Here we go.’ ‘Cause who would do such a thing? And, I’m the exact, I rebuilt our military. I was better than any president ever to our military.”

“We answer to God in Heaven. You’re not even allowed to say that anymore. Today, if you say that, they want to arrest you. If you say that, they want to arrest you.”

Anonymous said...

But wait, there’s more.

Did you know one man’s gibberish is actually gold?

TRUMP: “But I’m gonna go Sleepy Joe just for the rest of this particular. [pause] Wild, this a wild time in Philadelphia. [applause] Now the fake news will say, ‘Trump is rambling.' No, it's genius what I'm doing up here, but nobody understands. Is see.”

This one's from today. Even Fox News could only take so much.

TRUMP: “Where there’s so much water, you don’t know what to do with it, you know, it’s called ‘rain,’ it rains a lot in certain places. But, aaahh, nome, their idea, you know, did you see the other day, they just went I opened it up and they closed it again, I opened it, they closed it. Washing machines, to wash yerrr dishes. Is a problem, they don’t want you to have any water. They want no water. And I was with [audio quickly fades and becomes inaudible]...”

FOX NEWS LADY: “And, you were just listening to former President Trump...”

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden was declared by his own Department of Justice to be mentally incompetent to stand trial.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Google doesn't like blogs on its platform to host comments unapproved by the left. I put the following comment up and it is now deleted. I'll stretch it over two separate comments so that their algorithm might not detect the heresy. Alternately, a righteous human might be doing the deleting.

The comment:

Joe Biden's own Department of Justice has declared him mentally...

Anonymous said...

...incompetent to serve at trial.

Anonymous said...

And yet your President isn't the one putting out a series of preemptive excuses for losing the debate.

Anonymous said...

Biden won't debate.