Monday, June 17, 2024

Your lyin' eyes

PJ Media: "White House Denies Biden Froze at Hollywood Fundraiser."

Sharp as a tack...behind closed doors, we've been assured.


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump this past Thursday:

“Maybe I’m better off losing the debate. I’ll make sure he [Biden] stays. I’ll lose the debate on purpose. Maybe I’ll do something like that.”

Oof. Lowering expectations much? Setting up an alibi? Yeah, that'll work.

Even Donald knows what's coming.

Anonymous said...

Last night, Sean Hannity and Lara Trump talked about the upcoming presidential debate.

HANNITY: The former president, you know, took on the challenge, I don’t think he’ll regret it. However, the Joe Biden that we’re talking about tonight, I don’t think will be the Joe Biden we’re going to see on debate night. I think the Joe Biden we see on debate night is gonna be the guy we saw at the State of the Union. [makes the following weird noise] UBBLEUBBUHBUHLUH! He’s gonna be all hyped up, caf, you know, hyper-caffeinated. Whatever it is. It’s interesting that 70 percent of the country does like the idea of drug testing. I like the idea. They do it to athletes, they do it to horses in horse racing. Why not do it to presidential candidates? I like the idea. 70 percent of Americans apparently agree with me. However. What do you expect for the debate?

LARA TRUMP: Yeah, well, this is nothing new for us. The cards have always been stacked against Donald Trump from the day he came down the escalanator to announce he was running for president as a Republican.

The alibis are already flying, and the Hate Communicator hasn't even botched an answer yet.

Hannity is plainly worried that June 27 will be "the day of reckoning." He's probably right.

Anonymous said...

Here's the latest cheap deepfake that the Republicans have created of Biden. This is a disservice to the American people and our democracy, and must stop immediately

Anonymous said...

From Donald Trump Jr's podcast yesterday, this was White House candyman Dr. Ronny Jackson speaking... or as the cognitively superior felon calls him, Dr. Ronny Johnson:

“Some of those are drugs that are engineered to try and help with your cognition. Some of them are just to try and make you more awake—the amphetamine-type drugs like Adderall and things of that nature, and then there’s things like Provigil that increase your alertness. So, I think they’re probably trying to find just the right mix of stuff that can wake him up and make him a little bit more alert and with it.”

The farting felon should have taken some of those Dr. Jacobson drug cocktails when he was falling asleep, over and over, in criminal court.

Funny diagnosis from Dr. Jefferson, who handed out non-prescribed drugs to White House staffers as if they were knocking on his door on Halloween. "Trump's White House Was 'Awash in Speed'" was the headline. A Department of Defense investigation confirmed it.

What super-dose was Biden taking in 2020, when he whipped Trump's ass at two debates and scared Trump away from a third?

Team Trump can smell the debate disaster coming. They think they need readymade excuses. Too bad that every, every, every Republican accusation is a confession.

Anonymous said...

First, they needed to let Biden use the short stairs for getting on Air Force One. Now, he seems to need some short stairs for getting onto the SUV.

Anonymous said...

Then it'll be all the more crushingly pathetic if you lose to him. Again.