Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Biden won't debate

Here's your regular update.  PJ Media: "The Media Knows Biden Will Lose the Debate With Trump."

MSNBC - naturally - is making pre-emptive excuses:
Can anyone explain how Joe Biden, whose campaign set the terms of the debate, is at a structural disadvantage? The rules they proposed — which Trump agreed to — were designed to benefit Joe Biden, yet Wagner feels the need to preemptively make excuses for Biden’s anticipated poor performance. Not only will there be no audience present, but there will be no opening statements, microphones will be muted when it’s not the candidate’s turn, and it will be just one hour, not the usual 90 minutes. 
The media is desperate.  They know what's coming.  Biden's biggest mistake was agreeing to no pre-written notes and he simply cannot function without them.


Anonymous said...

Whatever it takes to get you through these next 8 days.

The preemptive Kübler-Ross coping with Trump's probable debate performance has literally become a nightly segment on Sean Hannity.

“I think we’ll see the return of ‘Jacked-Up Joe.’ Whatever Joe drank, ate, took before the State of the Union, maybe it was just Red Bull and caffeine pills. I don’t know. Whatever it was, that was not the normal Joe. We never saw it before, and we haven’t seen it since. But we will see it for the debate.”

“Now, there are some even saying, Mark [Penn], that Donald Trump might be wise to just pass on the first debate, wait until he’s nominated, then debate him.”

“Joe might have done Donald Trump a favor, and I say this affectionately, by insisting that when it’s not his turn to speak that they mute his microphone, ’cause I think that was a mistake in the first debate in 2020.”

Hannity now openly talks about Trump having lost the first Biden debate. At the time, of course, he proclaimed it a dominant and spectacular Trump win. Sean's conceding quicker this year.

Anonymous said...

Even with all the rules/restrictions slanted dramatically in his favor, I think Biden will end up finding some 'reason' not to participate in the debate. They will try to make it look like its Trump's fault, but Biden isn't capable of debating my neighbor's 12-year-old at this point, much less an energetic adult.

Anonymous said...

I think Biden will end up finding some 'reason' not to participate in the debate.

And then Biden will quit and Michelle Obama will become the nominee.

And then all the illegal migrants will cast 25 illegal Democrat votes apiece.

And then the liberal cheaters will all be caught and die in jail.

Whatever it takes to get you through these next 8 days.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump speaking to an interviewer about Joan Rivers:

“I thought she might have been a Republican. I know one thing. She voted for me, according to what she said.”

Joan Rivers died in 2014.

Maybe she can give Trump some debate tips.

Anonymous said...

This Fox News screen capture came after the brand new Fox News election poll showing Biden ahead of Trump: