Friday, May 31, 2024

They cut down the laws to get the devil

Classic reference:

What to do now? First, it is now absolutely essential that Trump be elected president. The Democrats cannot be allowed to get away with this effort to turn America into a banana republic.

Second, the Democrats understand nothing except the raw exercise of power. Therefore, Republican attorneys general and district attorneys should bring criminal charges against Democratic officeholders wherever possible. No Democratic officeholder should be allowed to retire, in any jurisdiction with Republican law enforcement, without facing criminal charges. There can’t be a single Democratic official in America against whom a criminal case can’t be brought that is better than this case against Trump. It should be open season on Democrats in the criminal courts.

Third, the criminal prosecutions should begin with Joe Biden. Unlike Trump, Biden is actually a criminal. He is already known to be guilty under the federal bribery statute, to the tune of at least $20 million. If Trump wins in November, his Department of Justice should immediately indict Biden, and Biden should be hounded until the day he dies or goes to prison, whichever happens first.
It's worth noting that - despite all his "lock her up" bluster, President Trump never sent his DOJ to pursue Hillary Clinton.  Hillary, who was actually guilty of campaign violations never faced any consequences for that crime, nor her wholesale hard drive wipe ("with a sponge") of classified information.

Now?  Now all the guardrails are off.  The laws are flat and the Orange Devil will have his due.

Related: Former federal prosecutor and CNN legal analyst Elie Honig: "Prosecutors Got Trump — But They Contorted the Law".  
But when you impose meaningful search parameters, the truth emerges: The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever. Even putting aside the specifics of election law, the Manhattan DA itself almost never brings any case in which falsification of business records is the only charge.
It's going to take a week or so to see how this shakes out with the race but my guess is that the number of people put off by Trump's conviction will be equal to those eager to see him elected so that this legal perfidy does not prosper.


Anonymous said...

If you’re a Republican, you will sooner or later be called to jettison any and every principle you ever purported to hold.

Anonymous said...

Boy, does Joe Biden know how to give pure gold to the Republicans, or what?

And for an indication of the effect the Democrats' political persecution of Trump will have on the electorate, note that the quoted Powerline article ("First, it is now absolutely essential that Trump be elected president.") was written by a Never Trumper, as is this blog.

Anonymous said...

How accurate were your last several proclamations about what the voters will do?

And it's "convicted felon Trump."