Thursday, May 23, 2024

Let me, um, disagree with you there

Here's Mona Charon: "Biden Can’t Blow the Debates - They may be his only chances to change people’s minds."
Trump and his allies have way oversold the Biden-is-senile message. A fair share of voters have come to think that he is not just old, but drooling and unable to function. The truth is that, though his voice is getting croaky, he messes up words and names sometimes, and he walks quite stiffly, he is very much compos mentis.

Charon boggles at scripted appearances like the State of the Union but the fact is that every unscripted moment for Biden - especially over this past year - has been an absolute train wreck.  And he's even struggling at scripted events with a teleprompter telling him what to say.  The CNN interview was a prime example of outright lies, denial, and delusion with zero pushback from a friendly host.  Trump won't be so accommodating during a live debate way past Dementia Joe's bedtime.

Of course, that point is moot since Biden won't debate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, that point is moot since Biden won't debate.