Wednesday, May 29, 2024

It was tiny

Red State: "What the Biden Campaign Doesn't Want You to Know About His Philly Audience."

To paraphrase Ian Faith: "I wouldn't worry about it, Philly isn't a big Democrat town."

In other news, North Carolina is not a battleground state.


Anonymous said...

Good planning by Sleepy Joe’s puppeteers, though, to have this response cued up on the teleprompter that Biden needs to say anything.

REPORTER: "President Biden, will you be serving your full four-year term, or handing over power to Vice President Harris?"

BIDEN: "Are you okay? Are you all right? You’re not hurt, are you? Did you fall on your head or something?"

Anonymous said...

Also, the "big rally vs. puny rally" angle was used by Republicans throughout 2020.

It was as predictively accurate as Mitt Romney's 2008 lawn sign gap.