Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden's Waterloo

I think tonight we'll see the end of Biden's presidency.  The media is wicked pissed that they've been misled by this White House and they're also embarrassed by their own bias.
A red-hot press corps — which feels ignored, used and deceived — will get its first true unfiltered crack at grilling President Biden, the most media-sheltered president of modern times. "The dogs are loose," a Biden adviser told us.
The White House press corps was flat-out lied to by Karine Jean-Pierre the other day and you can bet that every single question Biden gets tonight will be about his brain and "Where's Jackie?" moments.  Then he'll get annoyed the press isn't asking him about NATO and it will just spiral into a shouting match.

Rumor is there are Democrats waiting in the wings for this press conference so they can use it as the rationale to call for Biden to step aside.  That will happen no matter how he performs.

Update - Well, honestly, Biden didn't do as terribly as I expected.  That means he's going to hang in the race and nobody is going to shove him aside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See how inevitable the 180 degree turn is?