Sunday, July 17, 2011

A good review of something so bad - Zero Hedge: "A brief history of Obama's fiscal record."

And for good measure here's Victor Davis Hanson with "St. Obama and the Debt Dragon."


Anonymous said...

How weird... my browser is blocking Zero Hedge's mention of the Bush tax cuts being extended.

Eric said...

Oh, let me help: they were extended by President Obama. But he swearsies he won't do it again.

Anonymous said...

No, no, see, that's goooood debt.

Saving General Motors (which will announce expansion of its Flint factory and work shifts later today) was baaaaad debt.

Anonymous said...

Got to love that from libs....

letting people keep more of their OWN money = government debt

"saving" GM (while trampling over the existing laws to create a company doubtful to survive over the long term) by handing them potfuls of government handouts ALSO = government debt

does someone see a difference here?