Thursday, December 20, 2007

Zimbabwe introduces the kajillion dollar bill - From the BBC: "Zimbabwe to issue new banknotes." How high will it get? With an annual inflation rate of 8,000% (not a typo) the government is phasing out the now-worthless $200,000 bill which was introduced only five months ago.


Anonymous said...

How long till they issue the first googol bill? Or will Mugabe and/or Zimbabwe be gone before then?

Anonymous said...

Don't drink the lefty Kool-Aid from those raving MDS victims.

Zimbabwe's leading blogger, Michelle Malkinobowo, assures us that the economy remains strong under the able guidance of a steadfast leader.

Anonymous said...

Any nutritive value in the Zimbabwean dollar? Maybe fiber?

Anonymous said...

Time to issue some Gippers. Or is it Meeses?

Anonymous said...

The new Zimbabwe currency mega-unit is the 'Oomgowa'

Bad luck to Mugabe

JorgXMcKie said...

Well, my hardcore Marxist colleague assures me that Sir Bob will gloriously lead Zimbabwe from the depredations of (pick one) "colonialism," "neo-colonialism," and/or "American imperialism" any day now. His centrally planned and controlled just needs time to kick in, as Marx anticipated.

JorgXMcKie said...

Oops. That should be "His centrally planned and controlled *economy* kicks in."

Anonymous said...

What ever would Davey do without his hardcore Marxist colleague? He might actually have to acknowledge the other 99.999995% of his opposition, or those parts of mainstream liberalism that demolish his least defensible biases.

But thank God, he'll never have to face that chilling moment of thought, thanks to This Single Crazy Dude He Knows.

In exchange for giving him a ridiculous excuse to stay eternally cozy in his talking points cocoon, Dave should send Hardcore Marxist Colleague a nice present for Trotsky's birthday.