Thursday, August 09, 2007

A lack of money and courage

I'm busy with homework tonight, but I'll throw out this one quote from USN&WP: "Democratic debate spawns weird economics"

1) "You know, six and a half years ago, we had a balanced budget and a surplus; now we are in deep debt with a rising deficit, and it is absolutely true that George Bush has put it on the credit card, expecting our children and grandchildren to pay for it." -- Sen. Hillary Clinton.

Hey, the last time I checked, the budget deficit for this year was forecast to be $207 billion, half of what it was in 2004. (The budget might actually be back in the black when the next president takes office.) And while Bush did inherit a balanced budget and surplus from Team Clinton, neither administration successfully fixed the $100 trillion unfunded liability problem with Social Security and Medicare.
Is there a single Presidential candidate willing to say what exactly he/she will do to address the entitlement problem? I haven't heard a positive proposal yet, just "not do this."


Anonymous said...

The arc of the national budget tells you all you need to know about the alleged "leader of the conservatives."

How's this? I'll cut off both of your arms and one of your legs. Then I'll sew one leg back, and you can credit my medical policies with turning your physical problems around.

But "deficits don't matter," according to certain think tanks, tax cut uber alles types, and gun-toting Vice Presidents. Do tell. When Clinton was President, he was accused of taking Chinese campaign donations. Today, the Chinese threaten to dump their dollars and crash our economy.

The budget might be in the black in Jan. '09... and Bush might be back to 90% approval by then, too. Incidentally, how do you say "might" in Mandarin?

Anonymous said...

"The arc of the national budget tells you all you need to know about the alleged "leader of the conservatives."

You do remember there was a huge terrorist attack in the interim, right? Spawned by the guy Bill Clinton just couldn't pull the trigger on when he had him in his sights. Shame he couldn't have been so generous with Vince Foster.

Maybe if he'd spent less time raping interns (remember, it's always rape if the man is in a position of power, so sayeth the NOW gang), and more time killing terrorists, we could have kept that budget surplus, and might not have had to watch the World Trade Center fall. But hey, I'm sure those subpoenas and warrants really had Al Q quaking in their boots.

Anonymous said...

9/11 is the magic rebuttal to all policy questions... Clinton let Osama go... and murdered Vince Foster... and raped his intern... feminazis are loons... the WTC is all Slick Willie's fault... darn those pussy Democrats and their rule of law!

A marvelous post to remember, the next time we hear about those hateful BDS sufferers and Kos trolls sniping at the serious grownups.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, so Clinton didn't rape his intern, and he DID kill Osama Bin Laden after all. I understand now.

Unknown said...

Ah, yes. Compare Clinton with Bush and make both of them look reasonable. Here's reality: they were both big spenders! But Bush has been so bad as to make Clinton look acceptable. If we elect Hillary as our next President, we have only one Texas Republican to blame, and it ain't Ron Paul!

The George Bush fiscal policy has been absent, and the monetary policy laughable. If he doesn't take us into the worst financial chaos of my life, I'll be surprised.

When will we learn that a president must have at least a rudimentary understanding of economics, or we're all in trouble.