Saturday, June 09, 2007

Thank Jimmy Carter - Weekly Standard "How tyranny came to Zimbabwe": "As the Mugabe regime--responsible for the torture and murder of thousands, starvation, genocide, the world's highest inflation and lowest life expectancy--teeters on the brink of disaster after 27 years of authoritarian rule, it is instructive to go back and examine what happened in those crucial intervening months."


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it. Jimmy Carter swore that he had "looked into Moogie-Moot's eyes and got a sense of his soul."

JorgXMcKie said...

Jimmy Carter never met an authoritarian, anti-democratic, anti-capitalist thug that he didn't embrace.

Anonymous said...

Too bad George W. Bush isn't anti-capitalist, or he'd have a big hug coming.

And too bad Carter's not President now... he would have loved Pervez Musharraf, and would even have called him an ally. Thank goodness we now have a godly leader with enough moral character to rise above that sort of corrupt international dealmaking.