Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Well that was another dumpster fire

PJ Media: "Kamala Shouts, Whines, Cannot Answer Basic Questions in Fox Interview."

I look forward to reading the transcript of this interview since I don't think Kamala answered a single question.  Not one.  In fact, the very first question was "how many illegals crossed the border?" and she simply ignored the question to start her standard filibuster on immigration.

When Bret Baier asked why Bad Orange Man was getting support from half the country, Kamala responded with this information: "We're running for the President of the United States of America."

Wisdom received, sister.  That's some deep analysis. 

It was reported that Kamala showed up 15 minutes late to the interview and then her staff cut off questions after a half-hour.  Because of course.

Know why?  Because Kamala Harris is an idiot.
Harris isn’t “vague” or “careful” or disinclined to “delineate her stance.” She’s wildly, catastrophically, incontestably out of her depth. She’s not “light”; she’s dull. She’s not a “dodger”; she’s a fool. She’s not “joyful”; she’s imbecilic. As Gertrude Stein once said of Harris’s hometown, Oakland, there’s no “there there.” She’s a nullity, a vacuum, an actress, an empty canvas that is incapable of absorbing paint. Search through Harris’s historical press clippings and you will be astonished by the vastness of space, for, in more than two decades of analysis and reporting, Harris has not once been credited with a single valuable or original idea. What you see on TV is what you get in private: a broken battery-operated toy that can’t talk, that can’t argue, that can’t laugh in the right places, and that badly malfunctions if expected to transcend the superficial.
I'm going to call it: this interview will be the end of Kamala's campaign.  Her numbers have been steadily declining since she ended the "basement" stage and this train wreck will only accelerate the swoon.  She's on a rocket ship to defeat.


Update - It's not too late for another switcheroo!


Anonymous said...

Bret Baier: "We were supposed to start at 5... We were going to do 25/30 mins... they said maybe 20. She came in around 5:15".

Anonymous said...

Tonight's top headline on the woke far left Drudge Report: CAT EATS FOX