Friday, October 18, 2024

Reality vs. fan fiction

I like this commentary from David Strom on the Democrats' singular strategy of demonizing Donald Trump:
The problem they have is that they have been saying this for a decade, and somehow, everybody who opposes him is still alive, still not in jail, and still able to say whatever they want without fear of consequences. In fact, the Democrats keep doing what they accuse Trump of doing. 

So now, when a respected columnist at a respected magazine pulls out the "Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini" card, everybody but the already Trump-deranged shrugs. They have heard it endlessly already. It no longer has the power to shock. It becomes background noise for everybody except the brainwashed.
For all Trump's "lock her up!" bluster of 2016, Hillary was never going to be prosecuted and indeed she wasn't despite her many indisputable crimes.  The same can't be said for the baseless lawfare against Trump.

This, then leads to the Boston Globe editorial endorsing Kamala Harris.  Here are the concluding paragraphs:
Some of Trump’s supporters seem to not take him seriously, as if all the threats, extreme positions, rants, and oddball ravings are just part of an insult comedy routine. But we would urge every Trump supporter to ask themselves this question before casting their ballot: Do you really want to take the chance that it was all just an act?

Consider, instead, the candidate who has pledged to be “a president who leads and listens; who is realistic, practical and has common sense,” as Harris told the nation in August. The candidate who has not sought to bully or demean, but who instead urges the people of America to “show each other and the world who we are and what we stand for: Freedom, opportunity, compassion, dignity, fairness and endless possibilities.”
Seriously this is fan fiction.  It's make believe.  What is the evidence for the assertion that 1) Trump is going to turn into a dictator and 2) Kamala is remotely competent to be President?  Where is it?

The only evidence of the former is January 6th where Trump offered security forces which were turned down by the House Sergeant at Arms before Trump urged supporters to march "peacefully."  Otherwise, there are the mean tweets.

As for Kamala, she certain had "pledged" but what she hasn't done is shown any capacity for the job.  This is why supporters run away when you ask them to name a single accomplishment.

It's all wish-casting and story time.  This is all they have.


Anonymous said...

Shorter Version:

Anonymous said...

You really don't need to expend the energy on your incessant posting. This comment pretty much covers your output--intellectually and emotionally.

Anonymous said...

Will Trolly ever play a second note on his kazoo?

Viking's post is sheer grievance, projection, and dumb lies about the persecution of an innocent man who broke no law and tried to bring peace unto January 6. If the WAAAHHH fits, WEEARRR it.