Friday, October 11, 2024

I grew up in the middle class, amigos

Keep talking, Kamala, keep talking: "This Is Beyond Insane: Kamala's Univision Disaster."


Anonymous said...

Keep talking, keep talking, this is beyond insane

“And it’s so simple. This isn’t like Elon with rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they want it to land. Or he gets the. [pause] Engines back. That was the first I realish I said ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three or four years ago. These things were coming cylinders no wings no nothing. And they're coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a. Circle BOOM. Reminded me of. The Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles and he couldn’t fill them up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote I I don’t know I don’t know. Couldn’t fill up the eight circles I always loved those circles they were so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at in fact the. Person that did them that was the best part of his. Their level of that circle was. Great. But they couldn’t get people so they used to have the press. Stand in those circles ‘cause they couldn’t get the people. And I heard we lost oh we lost. Now we’re never gonna let that happen again but we’ve been abused. By other countries we’ve been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries.”

Anonymous said...

“Imagine there is no one I say it all the time. If you want to do do a movie on some of these uhh people that you’re gonna be looking at in two minutes. If you wanted to do a movie, there’s no actor in Hollywood with. That could play the role. There’s nobody that could do. These actors, they’re a little bit shaky. They can’t play the role. Bring in a big actor and you look say ‘He’s got no muscle content.’ GOT NO MUSCLE!! WE NEED A LITTLE MUSCLE. Then they bring in another one BUT HE’S GOT A WEAK FACE he looks weak. Now these guys have got the whole package. Unfortunately for our country I watched one of them. Shouting at a judge. ‘I KILL YOU! I KILL YOU WHEN I GET OUT I KILL YOU!’ And you know the judge is like hummf. He’s never heard this a. And even the guards, you know sha ha. They want to look for a new job themselves. ‘I kill you.’ ”

Anonymous said...

“Our country was the richest when we were doing tariffs. That was the richest. This was in the 1880s and ‘90s. We were proportionately we were. You know, if you go back to the dates and you look. Our country was so rich we didn’t know what to do with all the money we had mmpp. They had committees, the great tariff committee of 1887. This was a committee that was set up. To. Like, where do you give all this what do you do with all the money? That was under McKinley. …He made money, and Roosevelt spent it. So Roosevelt gets credit for being a great president. McKinley was actually a great president. He was assassinated. You know why he was assassin? Because he was charging all these countries money probably who the hell knows.”

Anonymous said...


What are the specific mechanics of how prices come down, you know, the steps that would be taken in a second term for you?

First of all, she can’t do an interview. She could never do this interview because you ask questions like ‘Give me a specific answer.’ She talks about her lawn when she was growing up. This woman is not equipped to be president. She’s not equipped to deal with President Xi, who I was very I took in hundreds of billions of dollars with him. And Putin, we had no war with Putin. Remember, and I’m just going to go off just for this, with Bush they took a lot. Russia. With Biden, they’re trying to take everything. With Obama, they took a lot. With Trump, Russia took nothing. Just remember that.

Political opponents are saying that you want to ban IVF. Those who are watching here tonight who may be going through this same struggle, and are concerned about being able to have this option… and I’d love for you to talk to them. About how they should feel.

Life is pretty tough. It can be beautiful, but it can be difficult. Uh, we are doing something with IVF ‘cause IVF as you know from friends and people you know, it’s really worked out well for a lot of people. It gave them a child when they would not have had a child. And ahhh. I told my people I wanted to look at this a couple of weeks ago. And as you know, we have no taxes on a thing called tips, you know that.

Anonymous said...

“They have more. Complaints from grocery the word ‘grocery’ yeh nassts sort of simple word but sort of means everything you eat. The stomach is speaking. It always does.”

Anonymous said...

How many of the above quotes were read from a teleprompter in a fake accent?

Anonymous said...

Excellent timing for that question. The imaginary person shouting "I KILL YOU! I KILL YOU WHEN I GET OUT I KILL YOU!" was delivered by Donald Trump in a ridiculous racist Speedy Gonzalez accent.