Sunday, September 29, 2024

Tricky Ds

Derek Hunter: "Why Can’t Kamala Harris Prove She Worked At McDonald’s (And Why It Matters)."

There was a third-party political ad shown during the football game that alleged that Harris worked at McDonalds while Trump is a billionaire.  Did she work at McDonalds?  Isn't it false advertising to say so when there isn't a shred of evidence this is true?
She’s never told a story about her summer at McDonald’s, never explained why she allegedly worked in a McDonald’s in California while living the rest of the year with her mother in a rich area in Montreal. Was she visiting her dad, who is still alive and she never, ever talks about (we don’t know why because no one asks) for the summer? Did the wealthy Marxist economics professor force his daughter to work at the absolute symbol of capitalism during their limited time together? Was he just really into irony?

These are questions a normal media would ask. Since we don’t have normal media, they aren’t asked.
We've noticed.  We'll never find out what kind of gun she owns either although some suspect it's a "Focusgroup 3000." 

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