Wall Street Journal: "The Great Blue to Red State Migration Continues - The latest Census data finds that on present course six progressive states would lose 12 House seats in 2030 reapportionment."
Colorado has moved from red to blue thanks to this very trend.
The state voted for: Willkie Dewey *TRUMAN Eisenhower Eisenhower Nixon *JOHNSON Nixon Nixon Ford Reagan Reagan Bush *CLINTON Dole Bush Bush *OBAMA *OBAMA *CLINTON *BIDEN *And Biden next year
Much sooner than 2030: Conservatives in Wisconsin are sad about the upcoming districting map do-over that's being done for 2024.
From the newly minority'd Republican Supreme Court Justice Annette Kingsland Ziegler's level-headed dissent:
This deal was sealed on election night.... the four robe-wearers grab power.... judicial activism on steroids.... wrecking ball.... end-justifies-the-means judicial activist approach.... power grabs by this new rogue court of four.... unlawful power grab.... underhanded and unprecedented manner.... conniving and then implementing.... grab all the power they could find.... four rogue members.... Power at any cost is the new normal for this crew.... window dressing.... preordained.... judicial fiat.... unreviewable "consultants".... hand-picked cover for the court of four's decision to throw out "rigged maps".... partisan political power grabs.... mind-boggling contortion of the law.... political quest masquerading as a legal query.... sham experiment.
After 30 pages of this venting, she eventually gets around to writing about the legal questions. A second Republican Justice's dissent is as mature, and no more impactful.
Colorado has moved from red to blue thanks to this very trend.
The state voted for:
*And Biden next year
Much sooner than 2030:
Conservatives in Wisconsin are sad about the upcoming districting map do-over that's being done for 2024.
From the newly minority'd Republican Supreme Court Justice Annette Kingsland Ziegler's level-headed dissent:
This deal was sealed on election night.... the four robe-wearers grab power.... judicial activism on steroids.... wrecking ball.... end-justifies-the-means judicial activist approach.... power grabs by this new rogue court of four.... unlawful power grab.... underhanded and unprecedented manner.... conniving and then implementing.... grab all the power they could find.... four rogue members.... Power at any cost is the new normal for this crew.... window dressing.... preordained.... judicial fiat.... unreviewable "consultants".... hand-picked cover for the court of four's decision to throw out "rigged maps".... partisan political power grabs.... mind-boggling contortion of the law.... political quest masquerading as a legal query.... sham experiment.
After 30 pages of this venting, she eventually gets around to writing about the legal questions. A second Republican Justice's dissent is as mature, and no more impactful.
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