Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Shoulda seen it coming

Via Maggie's Farm, the American Conservative has "The meaning of TrumpHe alone perceived America’s status quo crisis."

I never thought he had a chance but then I keep thinking back to an NPR interview with a Bernie Sanders-supporter who said that if he couldn't have Bernie, he'd for for "that fool Trump".  It should have been the firebell in the night that America wanted anything but business as usual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump was the ultimate "F.U." vote. And an "F.U." is just what his supporters are getting.

Republicans Buy Time In Case That Could Destabilize Obamacare

In a sign that the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress aren't prepared to burn down Obamacare just yet, they have jointly asked for a delay in a lawsuit that was originally intended to undermine the Affordable Care Act, back when President Obama would have had to handle the fallout.

Instead, with Republicans in control of all of Washington, the House of Representatives and the Justice Department have asked a federal appeals court to hold off on ruling on the fate of a key pillar of the Affordable Care Act—the subsidies paid to insurance companies to help keep out-of-pocket costs down for low-income patients.

Had the Trump administration dropped its appeal, the multi-billion dollar subsidies could have ceased, triggering chaos in the insurance market and likely pushing several companies to either sharply increase their premiums or cease participating in the exchanges altogether.

In a joint motion filed Tuesday, the two branches of government asked the court not to rule yet on the legality of these subsidies "to allow time for a resolution that would obviate the need for judicial determination of this appeal, including potential legislative action.” Two months into the new administration, with Republicans controlling both chambers of Congress and the White House, that legislative action on health care remains unclear.
