Monday, February 20, 2017

"No chance"? Yeah, there's a lot of that going around

Hot Air: "Can Marine Le Pen actually win?"  She's steadily gaining ground in France.  What's the French phrase for "shy voters"?


Frère Inertia said...

She's steadily gaining ground in France.

Le Pen is at 26% in six of the most recent eight polls. The two other polls have her at 27%. That's up from, uh, 26%.

One month ago, she was at 26%. Two months ago, she was at 25%. Three months ago she was at 29%. Four months ago, she was at 28%.

Five months ago she was at 27%. No polls six months ago. Seven months ago, she was at 28%.

Eight months ago, she was at 29%. Nine months ago, she was at 28%. Ten months ago, she was at 29%.

Le Pen might win the election. But with those numbers, only the French Army would brag about "steadily gaining ground.",_2017

Unreal! said...

What's the French phrase for "shy voters"?

What was the American phrase for "shy voters" last November... "nonexistent"?

Total 2012 vote: 129,085,409
Total 2016 vote: 137,556,617
Total extra: +8,471,208

Romney: 60,933,504 (47.2%)
Trump: 63,811,288 (46.4%)
GOP extra: +2,877,784

2,877,784 extra votes from 8,471,208 extra voters = 33.9% Now that's shy.