Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ford’s bad form

Sometimes in politics, there’s a moment that firmly turns voters away from a candidate that has nothing to with issues. Maybe the best example is Al Gore’s impolite off-camera sighing at George W. Bush’s comments in 2000’s first Presidential debate. I think we may have witnessed another example yesterday as Harold Ford Jr. crashed a press conference by Bob Corker in Tennessee. What was that all about? If it was a stunt, it was a silly and ineffectual one that smells of desperation, even though both men are essentially tied in the polls for the open Senate seat. These kinds of antics don’t sit well with voters; watch for a bump in Corker’s numbers.


Anonymous said...

While tied in some polls there has been notes that internal polling on both sides showed Corker +5 and growing, hence Ford's desperation move. This should put the TN more firmly in the GOP camp.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Reagan pulled his impolite "I paid for this microphone" stunt? Or when George Bush Sr. delivered his prepared slap at Dan Rather? Those moments of rudeness didn't sit well with voters, and really sent their campaigns into tailspins.

Anonymous said...

Well sure, but then, Ford's no Reagan or Bush...

Keep hope alive, Anon!