Tuesday, June 18, 2024

"The media gaslighting is embarrassing."

Federalist: "Stop Trying To Convince Me Joe Biden Isn’t A Confused, Doddering Old Man." 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cogent, dynamic young man Donald Trump spoke on Saturday. A verbatim quote:

"I got indicted. [pause] More than the legendary Alphonse Capone, has anyone heard of Alphonse Capone? Scarface. He was so mean, that if he had dinner with a person and if he didn't like them, he would kill the person, they would never find them again, like Mike Lindell, he wouldn't like Mike, iss, you know why? He'd say [makes his fingers look like claws and holds them on either side of his own head while speaking in a growly voice] 'Those ads, they are driving me crazy, let's get rid of this guy.' He couldn't stand those ads. Al Capone would take Mike out in two minutes. Mike’s beautiful new wife was there, 'What the hell happened to my husband?' You’d never be fow. He'd be buried under the World Trade Center."