Wednesday, June 05, 2024

"The game is up"

I've written about the crisis at the Washington Post but Ace (unsurprisingly) has a much funnier take:
Listen to this guy's answer. It's an energizing spa day for your boner.
"Don't we need our brilliant social journalists and service journalists as embedded in our core product to make sure that people are actually reading the thing that's out at the center of the mission of the Washington Post?" one staffer asked, to which Lewis replied, "You haven't done it. I've listened to the platitudes. Honestly, it's just not happening."
I love how this person used such flowery and woke language in xir's question and the publisher responded: "No, you suck." 


Anonymous said...

Ace (unsurprisingly) has a much funnier take

Nowhere near as funny as the Trump hush money conviction polls that were supposed to capture an indignant nation, rising up in protest against the injustice of the weaponized rigged lawfare persecution.

But so far, the majority agrees with the verdict. And all of the polling results to date are boosting the electoral fortunes of the Biden Crime Family.

Marvelous slapstick comedy. It's not a banana republic, it's a banana peel.

Anonymous said...

You really know how to pick your heroes.

NPR: 'Washington Post' publisher tried to kill a story about allegations against him. It wasn’t the first time

Anonymous said...

The Washington Post's publisher chose a compromised Murdoch lieutenant with a slime trail as the new editor.

And now the decision has blown up, and the new editor has been dumped.

The Publisher: "No, you suck."
The Washington Post staff: "You suck, and you lose."

But it was an exciting two weeks for your boner, wasn't it?