Sunday, June 02, 2024

Biden won't debate

Hot Air: "Why Joe Biden's Hur Interview Recording Was Hidden."
So why would this transcript be altered in that fashion? That much should be obvious. It's the same reason that Biden is refusing to allow the recording to be made public. The removal of awkward pauses ("uh... um") and repeated words ("and... and") makes Biden sound less like a cognitive mess. If he started rambling and losing the thread in the middle of the unscripted interview, that would look even worse as he pursues his reelection bid. Having an audio tape floating around in the media could be politically toxic.
Those cognitive deficits won't disappear in a debate and will probably be exacerbated.  This is why Dementia Joe gives so few media interviews and no press conferences.  He won't debate.


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump gave a rambling and periodically incoherent press conference this past Friday.

He repeated the same story a second time without being aware that he'd told it minutes earlier.

And Trump silently walked off the stage when the reporters at his "press conference" began asking questions.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump, talking about Hillary Clinton and the 2016 election on "Fox & Friends" this weekend:

"I didn't say 'Lock her up.'"


I wonder what could have happened to make him retract his rhetoric?

Life comes at you fast, Donald... although you won't get sentenced to life.

He's gonna get crushed at the debate.

Anonymous said...

Lets see... The audio of Biden's incoherent interview with Hur must be kept classified and unavailable to Congress, because it then might be used by bad actors to create AI deepfake versions of the interview.

1) We already have evidence that the transcript of the same interview must itself be a cringingly deepfake version of it, created to shield Biden from embarrassment or culpability.

2) Nothing would prevent the creation of AI deepfake versions of the interview regardless of the availability of the audio version. But only in the absence of the real thing would such fakes have any influence.

So utterly bizarre.

Anonymous said...

Yawn. Is Donald Trump's never-ending IRS audit over yet, so that he can fulfill his sincere promise to release his tax returns like any other candidate?