Sunday, June 16, 2024

Imagine believing this

Twitchy: "Yeah, Go With THAT Strategy: Axios Says Hollywood Stars Could Be the Key to Biden's Campaign."

In case you hadn't noticed, the producers of the Academy Awards had to tell actors to STFU because Americans were tired of being lectured to by Hollywood phonies.

Hey, how's the box office lately?  Have you considered making another "strong girlboss" movie?


Anonymous said...

And yet, the Republican Party eagerly rescheduled their national convention for the chance to see A-list star Clint Eastwood perform incoherent improv with an empty chair.

"lectured by Hollywood phonies" =

Anonymous said...

The world famous soccer/football star Kylian Mbappé urged the French youth to vote against Marine Le Pen in the snap election:

“I’m calling to vote against extremists that want to divide the country. I want to be proud to wear this shirt, I don't want to represent a country that doesn't represent my values."

Don'tcha just hate being lectured to by Champs-Elysées phonies?