Friday, June 28, 2024

Everybody knows

For years - years! - I've been complaining about the mainstream media's long march away from fairness and objectivity.  Last night's debate exposed the media as hopeless shills for the Democrats, covering up Biden's infirmities, because Orange Man Bad.  The media's downfall is condign punishment.

Here's Bari Weiss: "They Knew"
The debate was not just a catastrophe for President Biden. And boy—oy—was it ever.

But it was more than that. It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, basically doing handstands while peppering his staff with tough questions about care for migrant children and aid to Ukraine.

Anyone who committed the sin of using their own eyes on the 46th president was accused, variously, of being Trumpers; MAGA cult members who don’t want American democracy to survive; ageists; or just dummies easily duped by “disinformation,” “misinformation,” “fake news,” and, most recently, “cheapfakes.”
Ah, yes, the "cheap fakes."  That's the last time we'll hear that phrase since Americans saw the debate video with their own eyes.  All the media's so-called integrity is now blown to hell:
The lies won’t work anymore. Biden’s dementia isn’t a “cheap fake.” It’s not “misinformation.” Last night the sad truth was plain to see, live on national television.

Now our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press have no choice but to say the same thing the Republicans have been saying for four years, without ever admitting that their bitterest enemies were right.
Biden is done and he's taken the media down with him.  

It's been a glorious 24 hours if you're a conservative (like me) who has been seething at the chummy and mutual behavior of the Democrats and the media.  "I told you so" isn't enough.  Trump Derangement Syndrome has destroyed both Biden and the media and now everybody knows.


Anonymous said...

It's looking like the best of all possible scenarios is shaping up.

Despite the post-debate near-chorus of panicked Democrats coming to the conclusion that Biden should step aside, today Obama tweeted that anyone can have a bad debate night, clearly signalling that Biden is still his guy, and had better still be every other Democrat's and media person's guy.

This will leave them looking foolish, of course, when they do their inevitable and humiliating 180 degree turn back to embracing Dementia Joe, and reviving their insistence that he's sharp as a tack, this time with the proviso that you have to ignore Thursday's bad debate night.

Why is this the best of all possible scenarios? Because it means they are well and truly stuck with a candidate who has already been utterly destroyed.

Eric said...

I don't normally read comments anymore but I did and wholeheartedly agree. As I understand the primary rules, Biden would have to release his Democrats and his ego and Jill won't allow it.
Then the media will return to form.

Anonymous said...

A gentle reminder...

Apology due

Charles CW Cooke:
John Fetterman was a monumental disaster at this evening’s debate. I’ve never seen anything like it. He’s badly incapacitated, and those who are pretending otherwise must stop immediately. A lot of people — including Fetterman’s wife — owe public apologies to NBC’s Dasha Burns, who reported a couple of weeks ago that Fetterman could not understand her small talk, and was smeared and lambasted for her troubles.

Red State:
"John Fetterman's Debate Was Much Worse Than Expected"
The debate between John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz is in the book, and I’m going to make the most non-hyperbolic statement ever made on this site. That debate was the worst, most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen in politics.

I watched the whole debate it was unlike anything I've ever seen in my 50+ years. Fetterman is done. Congratulations, Senator Oz.

Extra - Before this debate, there was only a 3-cent difference in the PredictIt political market between Oz and Fetterman. Post-debate? Twenty-three.

How does Fetterman happen? The media

Here's Jim Geraghty on how the mainstream media facilitates candidates like John Fetterman:
Allow me to offer a controversial theory: A lot of Democratic Party candidates and strategists have bad judgment because they’ve grown used to a usually friendly media bailing them out of the consequences of their bad decisions. ...I think they just get used to having the consequences of every mistake and dumb decision mitigated by generous media coverage. They walk around with the wind constantly at their backs, convinced that they are wiser and better at their jobs than they really are. And when that wind at their backs stops blowing, they’re stunned — suddenly everything is much harder.

Roll out the excuses and disopprobrium, Democrats and media (I repeat myself). There's no way normal Americans are going to look at that debate and vote for Fetterman. It's done.

Anonymous said...

Well I see that the commenter above has apparently reached the Bargaining stage of his grief.

"If Fetterman could win despite being a basket case, so can Biden!"

Anonymous said...

Just stare into your reflection in the mirror while holding a flashlight under your chin, and repeat, "But Fetterman...But Fetterman...But Fetterman."

Anonymous said...

You guys were so deliriously happy after the freaky debate between Fetterman and Dr. Oz. It's fun to remember.

Though not quite as much fun as Senator Fetterman has been having these last 3 days, mocking over-panicked Democrats and over-exuberent Republicans.