Thursday, June 20, 2024

Democrats in a nutshell

The Corner: "Ben Kamens Is a Perfect Spokesman for the Democratic Party"
Just got a call to let me know my student debt has been canceled. This is why elections matter. Thanks @JoeBiden.”

Ben Kamens, the communications director for Representative Marcy Kaptur (D., Ohio), posted that on X today. It included a picture of the letter he received from Nelnet, the company that serviced his student loans. The letter begins, “Congratulations! The Biden-Harris administration has forgiven your federal student loan(s) listed below with Nelnet in full.”

Kamens’s two loans were taken out in 2010. The original principal balances were $2,750 and $5,500. Again, he posted this on X for the entire world to see.

As the text of his message demonstrates, he’s not the least bit ashamed about the fact that he, a grown man and college graduate with a full-time job, was apparently unable to repay debt with a principal of $8,250 over a span of 14 years.

Whenever Republicans pass a tax cut, Democrats scream that letting Americans keep more of their own money "wasn't paid for."  Well, this little defiance of the Supreme Court isn't paid for.  I'm sure the mainstream media will be all over this.

Extra - Freeloader Ben has been having a good time spending money.


Anonymous said...

No one planning to cast a vote for Donald Trump and his economically retarded suicide bomber tariff plan actually gives an actual shit about the actual debt.

The MSN article you linked to says that the increase in immigration — both legal and illegal — will reduce America's debt by more than six times the total cost of President Biden's new student loan forgiveness program.

Anonymous said...

I care. So you’re wrong. Like always.

Anonymous said...

A punishing comeback from the MAGA playground.

Now go find Math, and tell Math it's wrong, too.

Anonymous said...

And speaking of math, and speaking of who's always wrong...

How's that Trump stock doing?

Anonymous said...

Peter Baker wrote about math today:

Both Biden and Trump have contributed, but Trump added twice as much debt as Biden, per new analysis.

$8.4 trillion over a 10-year window, compared to $4.3 trillion by Biden.

Excluding Covid relief, it was $4.8 trillion for Trump and $2.2 trillion for Biden.

Renewing the Trump tax cut and enacting Trump's super stupid tariffs plan would dwarf those debt increases.

Anonymous said...

Your daily blather in these comments is like someone masturbating while thinking of Gal Gadot. It's self-delusional, the good feelings are fleeting, and reality and your real life are still there waiting for you to do something productive after you're done. Do you have any idea just how flat crazy you seem in these comments? The answer is VERY.

Anonymous said...

If Gal Gadot could throw her magic lasso of truth around you, imagine all the insincere idiocy you'd be forced to disavow.

It's a shame that there's no such thing as a restorative debate drug. Because you badly need a double dose.