The mainstream media is packed full of the privileged elite like Dowd who shop at Zabar's and Whole Foods, all the while wondering why the great unwashed gravitate towards Trump. Like somebody said: if you keep calling the guy who wants to shut down the border a "fascist" - guess what - Americans are going to vote for the fascist.
The press is entirely populated by Pauline Kaels who once said: "I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don't know. They're outside my ken. But sometimes when I'm in a theater I can feel them."
Three Things That Are True:
(a) Maureen Dowd sucks
(b) Trump is a fascist
(c) Despite your us/them media outbursts, you don't actually think the Murdoch family shops at Safeway
LOL those terrible republican fascists could regain control , attack democratic democracy in the same way it has attacked. THey use those fancy worlds but have never owned a dictionary. Democracy is not the answer for the world, it is the problem.
Congratulations on the previous response, Viking Pundit. You just got your first artificial intelligence commenter.
Be gentle with it. A.I. is still in its infancy, as we can see.
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