Wednesday, December 20, 2023

They told me if I voted for Trump, democracy would be destroyed. And they were right!

Legal Insurrection: "Colorado Supreme Court Disqualifies Trump From 2024 Presidential Primary Ballot."

Look, I'm late to this story, so I'll just say this.  The Colorado justices clearly engaged in what I call the Sonia Sotomayor method of jurisprudence: figure out what outcome you want and work backwards with your legal reasoning. 


Anonymous said...

"States' Rights"

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

Anonymous said...

Watching Neil Gorsuch overrule the strict constitutional textualist Neil Gorsuch will be humorous.

Almost as humorous as the online Cracker Barrel jabbermonkeys posting about the latest "civil war" because of legal adherence to the plain language of an amendment.
Which was drafted and ratified because of the actual Civil War.

Anonymous said...

In Bush v. Gore (2000), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Florida Supreme Court's recount decision was in violation of the Constitution's 14th Amendment.

In 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court will rule that the Colorado Supreme Court cannot uphold the Constitution's 14th Amendment.

Anonymous said...

No, you idiot.

In 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court will rule that the Colorado Supreme Court's verdict WAS IN VIOLATION of the Constitution's 14th Amendment, and therefore must be overturned.

Besides, it would be one thing if Trump was actually convicted of leading an insurrection, but he hasn't even been indicted for doing that.

You want to get Trump elected in 2024? THIS is how you get Trump elected in 2024.

Anonymous said...

Each state is in charge of interpreting and enforcing its own election laws.

Colorado's court system determined that Trump had engaged in insurrection. It is explicitly stated in their Supreme Court's ruling.

"President Trump's direct and express efforts, over several months, exhorting his supporters to march to the Capitol to prevent what he falsely characterized as an alleged fraud on the people of this country were indisputably overt and voluntary. Moreover, the evidence amply showed that President Trump undertook all these actions to aid and further a common unlawful purpose that he himself conceived and set in motion: prevent Congress from certifying the 2020 presidential election and stop the peaceful transfer of power.... These actions constituted overt, voluntary, and direct participation in the insurrection."

You want to get Trump elected in 2024? THIS is how you get Trump elected in 2024.

And yet you have no objections to how your clan tried to get Trump elected in 2020. (See: the above paragraph.)

Anonymous said...

Objections to how Trump tried to get elected in 2020? Nope, no objections at all.

And I would count the concerted efforts of the FBI to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story, including meeting with Twitter executives throughout the summer of 2020 to 'prepare them for a forthcoming Russian disinformation scheme' as essentially stealing the election from Trump.

YOU, however, seem to be somewhat against the idea of Trump getting elected in 2024, which is the point I was making.

For that matter, you probably missed the delicious irony of the Bee's headline of Biden's self-own regarding preserving democracy by preventing U.S. citizens from voting for the candidate of their choice.

Anonymous said...

you probably missed the delicious irony of the Bee's headline of Biden's self-own regarding preserving democracy by preventing U.S. citizens from voting for the candidate of their choice.

The Babylon Bee is a poignant example of Republicans imitating their betters in the hopes of reversing the culture war they already lost decades and decades ago.

"What if The Onion switched to doing obvious refrigerator word magnet headlines?" is not an aesthetic question anyone outside the right-o-sphere needed an answer to.

I honestly don't know WHY conservative comedy is so clunky and so barren. Liberals are just as properly mockable as the right. But on the whole, conservatives do comedy so badly.

Imagine a fantasy baseball-type draft where you picked the very best conservative comedian as your #1 pick, and then the second funniest conservative comedian as your #2, and so on. While I did the same from the field of liberal comedians.

The contest would be a slaughter. Whether we only chose from the current comedians, or from all time. Who's the right's #6 pick...Greg Gutfeld?

Even if I let you go outside the material itself (Bob Hope was a great conservative comic who didn't present himself as a conservative comic; I'll let you have the fabulous Bill Burr), Team Republican-Friendly would be annihilated.

Again, I don't understand why that has to be, but it most definitely is.

Anonymous said...

In in other words, what you're saying is "Look over there! A squirrel!"

Anonymous said...

"Look, a squirrel" further demonstrates the average quality of conservative comedy.

As for the "delicious irony" of Colorado Supreme Court Justice Joe Biden's "self-own," you're perceiving very, very subtle humor.

In that President Biden is not mentioned anywhere in the Babylon Bee article. Doesn't get subtler than that.