Thursday, October 17, 2024

Oh that's not news

Reason: "The Media Shouldn't Overlook Kamala Harris' Plagiarism."

That's (D)ifferent because you know why.

Not a single answer was offered

Byron York: "Finally faced with hard questions on border, Harris has no answers."

I went back and listened to the part where Bret asked about the women killed by illegal immigrants and noted - three times - that it happened way before the February 2024 legislation was a thing.  It didn't matter: Kamala went right back to her standard talking point. 

Good review:

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Well that was another dumpster fire

PJ Media: "Kamala Shouts, Whines, Cannot Answer Basic Questions in Fox Interview."

I look forward to reading the transcript of this interview since I don't think Kamala answered a single question.  Not one.  In fact, the very first question was "how many illegals crossed the border?" and she simply ignored the question to start her standard filibuster on immigration.

When Bret Baier asked why Bad Orange Man was getting support from half the country, Kamala responded with this information: "We're running for the President of the United States of America."

Wisdom received, sister.  That's some deep analysis. 

It was reported that Kamala showed up 15 minutes late to the interview and then her staff cut off questions after a half-hour.  Because of course.

Know why?  Because Kamala Harris is an idiot.
Harris isn’t “vague” or “careful” or disinclined to “delineate her stance.” She’s wildly, catastrophically, incontestably out of her depth. She’s not “light”; she’s dull. She’s not a “dodger”; she’s a fool. She’s not “joyful”; she’s imbecilic. As Gertrude Stein once said of Harris’s hometown, Oakland, there’s no “there there.” She’s a nullity, a vacuum, an actress, an empty canvas that is incapable of absorbing paint. Search through Harris’s historical press clippings and you will be astonished by the vastness of space, for, in more than two decades of analysis and reporting, Harris has not once been credited with a single valuable or original idea. What you see on TV is what you get in private: a broken battery-operated toy that can’t talk, that can’t argue, that can’t laugh in the right places, and that badly malfunctions if expected to transcend the superficial.
I'm going to call it: this interview will be the end of Kamala's campaign.  Her numbers have been steadily declining since she ended the "basement" stage and this train wreck will only accelerate the swoon.  She's on a rocket ship to defeat.


Update - It's not too late for another switcheroo!


I'll have more to write about the Bret Baier's interview with Kamala Harris but I'm so happy to finally hear an interviewer ask why Democrats didn't pass the Biden-Harris amnesty bill when they controlled the White House, the House, and the Senate.

Why didn't Nancy Pelosi do her job?  

Of course, Kamala filibustered with her same ridiculous talking points.  She cannot be pushed off her only narrative on immigration. 

This poll goes to eleven

Breitbart: "Poll: More Americans lean Republican than Democrat by 7-point margin."

Headline is a little misleading but it's a seven-point swing in party identity between Republicans and Democrats, now 31%-28%.  What I find more interesting is that Independent learners are 49%-42% Republican-Democrats, which is an eleven-point shift from the last poll a couple weeks ago.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

An earned new low for the media

Gallup: "Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Trend Low."
Americans continue to register record-low trust in the mass media, with 31% expressing a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly,” similar to last year’s 32%. Americans’ trust in the media -- such as newspapers, television and radio -- first fell to 32% in 2016 and did so again last year.

For the third consecutive year, more U.S. adults have no trust at all in the media (36%) than trust it a great deal or fair amount. Another 33% of Americans express “not very much” confidence.
It's a mystery why this downward trend continues.  I chalk it up to selective editing in the interest of "time constraints." 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024

It's 2019 all over again

Legal Insurrection: "Democrats, Media Get Panicky As Kamala Harris’ ‘Momentum’ Stalls."

This campaign is following the trajectory of Kamala's first run for the White House in 2019: a brief moment of enthusiasm followed by steady decline once America realizes she's an airhead

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Grumpy old man

NY Post: "Biden sabotaging Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign after being forced to drop re-election bid, pundits say."
Hank Sheinkopf, a New York-based Democratic strategist called Biden’s refusal to embrace Harris’ campaign a possible “power move” to “ensure that people understand who the boss still is.”

“It would be absolutely ridiculous to assume that he has no resentment over how he was treated or how, frankly, he was forced out in what some would describe as a coup,” the veteran campaign consultant said.

“Why hasn’t he appeared in places where he could do some good, like parts of Pennsylvania and states that the president has buoyed during his term? Nobody wants to give up being president of the United States – it’s the one job you don’t want to leave.”
I totally believe that Joe is trying to sink Kamala's campaign.  First of all, as mentioned, is the lingering resentment against Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala over forcing him out of the race.  Second, Biden needs to feed his ego in the belief that he's the only person who could beat Trump.  Finally, don't underestimate the raw hatred that Jill Biden has for Kamala and what she's whispering into Joe's ear.

The MSNBC movie

Shot: "‘Apprentice’ Crushed by Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Our national scold

Intelligencer: "Barack Obama’s Tiresome Condescension Toward Black Men." 

She's a dimwit

Washington Examiner: "Why can’t Harris answer a simple question?

Friday, October 11, 2024

I grew up in the middle class, amigos

Keep talking, Kamala, keep talking: "This Is Beyond Insane: Kamala's Univision Disaster."

Gutfeld on Howard Stern

Twitchy: "'Got My PERIOD Listening to It': Greg Gutfeld Takes Howard Stern APART for His Kamala Lapdog Interview." - "Not that I like that Stern, but this pendulum swing from saying the most tasteless thing in the universe to putting your balls in a tic tac container. You got to wonder what's going on here. It's striking that the king of the most misogynistic humor ever now turns into a breathless over a progressive, hopelessly shallow candidate." 

The old Howard Stern would have asked Kamala if Doug has stopped slapping women.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Republicans pounce!

Twitchy: "Republicans Plan to Use Kamala's Terrible Appearance on 'The View' to End Her Campaign."

Well...yeah.  Keep doing those interviews, Kamala!  

The debt bomb grows

Reason: "Budget Deficit Hit $1.8 Trillion After Huge Increase in Borrowing Costs." - "The federal government posted a $1.8 trillion budget deficit during the fiscal year that ended on September 30, despite an increase in tax revenue, thanks to higher spending and the rapid growth of interest costs tied to the $35.6 trillion national debt." 

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

What happened to Howard Stern?

Outkick: "Kamala Harris-Howard Stern Interview As Cringe As You Could Imagine."
He was once the most daring, unpredictable, and interesting voice in the media. He was a menace to the establishment. Now, he is part of the establishment. Stern is nothing more than a neurotic useful idiot for the Democratic Party – see his interview with Joe Biden from April.

As we argued at the time, we can't say for certain what changed Howard Stern. Maybe it was age, maybe it was guilt, maybe it was his irrational fear of COVID-19. 
I used to listen to Howard Stern in high school before he hit the big time with satellite radio.  He was an equal-opportunity offender and had a devil-may-care attitude towards, well, everything.  Now he's a 80-year-old grandmother.