Monday, September 02, 2024

Sure, let's keep talking about Afghanistan

Powerline: "The Democrats swing and miss"
If the Democrats were smart, they would avoid like the plague any reference to Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was universally, and correctly, seen as a debacle, and the Afghanistan fiasco precipitated a drop in Biden’s approval ratings from which he never recovered. Normal observers see that the current controversy was stirred up by the Democrats in hopes of political gain. The controversy, kept alive by Democrats, mostly serves to remind voters of one of the Biden/Harris administration’s worst failures, and to tie that failure more securely to Kamala Harris.
Let's juxtapose the videos from the Gold Star families with Biden checking his wristwatch.


Anonymous said...

This scandal really isn't going away, is it?

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until Command Sergeant Major Walz weighs in and brings the pain.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Not going away. Squeal, piggies.

Anonymous said...

Nope, not going away. Squeal, piggies.

Anonymous said...

Did somebody say "videos from the Gold Star families"?