Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kamala won the debate

Are we going to pretend otherwise?  Yes, she lied several times and never answered several questions but she also effectively baited Trump who took the bait every time.  Kamala's answers were canned speeches, regurgitated on cue, but they were delivered with a smooth aplomb.  She had a plan to repeat her teleprompter speech and followed that plan.

Trump's responses were unstructured and unfocused, bouncing from one topic to another.  He had so many opportunities to push Kamala on her non-existent policies but couldn't stick the landing.  Trump got a question on immigration and - instead of driving home his most potent issue - he went into a diatribe about rally sizes.  Because of his ego.  Did he do any debate prep?

What's the point of complaining about the bias of ABC News?  (For example, they did the Candy Crowley to save Kamala early on but let the "very fine people" hoax pass without mention.)  All Republicans should assume that the mainstream media is going to put their thumb on the scale and prepare accordingly.

Will this change the trajectory of the race?  I dunno but I can see how some Americans would take a second look at Kamala.  Which is terrible news. 


Anonymous said...

Trump will bounce back. He has concepts of a plan.

Anonymous said...

Actual Endorsement (Taylor's Version)

Anonymous said...

Liars win all sorts of things. Just ask them. She is the best thing since sliced bread that serves for the democratic democracy shit sandwich. People that can not define a woman are not qualified to hold any elected office because they are liars.