Thursday, September 05, 2024

Hunter awaits Papa's pardon

Fox News: "Hunter Biden pleads guilty to all nine federal tax charges brought by special counsel David Weiss."

Hunter tried to make an Alford plea but the prosecution wasn't going for that so he entered a guilty plea for all counts.  If you're wondering why Hunter didn't try to negotiate a plea deal, Andrew McCarthy explains what's going on:
First, Hunter’s move is rational only if he knows he is getting a pardon. The tax indictment charges him with multiple counts that, if memory serves, could run to 17 years of imprisonment. A normal defendant engages in plea negotiations in order to minimize his potential penal exposure — you offer to plead guilty to a count or two, and the government agrees to dismiss the rest of the charges, and your potential imprisonment is capped. That’s not what Hunter is doing. He’s saying he’ll plead guilty to all charges. He can only be doing that because he’s playing with the house money — he knows he’s not going to prison, so he doesn’t need to worry about capping his potential sentence.
There is zero chance that Dementia Joe will keep his promise not to pardon Hunter.  Sentencing is December 16th which means he'll be home for Christmas although Joe might wait until January 19th just to maintain some suspense.  


Anonymous said...

Steve Bannon
Roger Stone
Michael Flynn
Paul Manafort
George Papadopoulos
The four Blackwater guards (a fifth guard who confessed and cooperated was the only one NOT pardoned)
Dinesh D'Souza
“Sheriff Joe” Arpaio
Helly Nahmad (guess where he lives?)
Conrad Black
Chris Collins
Bernard Kerik
Elliott Broidy (check out what he did)
Stephanie Mohr (check out what she did)
Duke Cunningham (check out what he did)
Jesse Benton and John Tate (check out what they did)
Charles Kushner (check out what Jared's daddy did)

Next up on the dirty presidential pardon list that doesn't bother you: the January 6 "hostages."

Anonymous said...

How many of those people did Trump promise not to pardon?

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. Savage comeback.

Using presidential pardons to protect one's own guilty ass again and again is fine. So is illicitly rewarding one's donors and criminal conspirators.

But it's anticipatory guesswork and conjecture about the future that shines a light on REAL abuse of power.

Anonymous said...

Exercise for us your powers of anticipatory guesswork and conjecture - Do you think Biden will pardon Hunter?

Feel free to be honest, because you indicated that illicitly rewarding one's criminal conspirators to protect one's ass is fine.

Anonymous said...

Feel free to be honest, because you indicated that illicitly rewarding one's criminal conspirators to protect one's ass is fine.

Is there anything that isn't projection with you?

And surprise, surprise that you'd pivot to a "challenge" because you have no justification that could defend the above Trump pardon list.

As for your sense of proportional acts, it's probably too late for you.

Anonymous said...

Why do you find it a "challenge" to be asked if you think Biden will pardon Hunter?

Anonymous said...

You'd like to shift away from Donald Trump's crimes, and from his obstructive list of pardons which he has only promised to expand. That's why you want to get back on the offensive in Hypothetical Hunter Land.

Which exposes your defective sense of proportion. "Go on, take a guess" is not an off ramp.

You want a prediction? Hunter Biden will never debate.

Anonymous said...

Dingleberry losing in the comment section again, joining death and taxes as inevitabilities of life.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump doesn't agree with you that taxes are an inevitability of life, which is why he's a convicted felon.

Anonymous said...

This comment thread, summarized.

Anonymous said...

"Shifting away"? I'm merely "staying in touch" with the whole point of the original post that you chose, of your own free will, to comment under.

Anonymous said...

This comment thread, contextualized:

Hunter Biden


Steve Bannon
Roger Stone
Michael Flynn
Paul Manafort
George Papadopoulos
The four Blackwater guards (a fifth guard who confessed and cooperated was the only one NOT pardoned)
Dinesh D'Souza
“Sheriff Joe” Arpaio
Helly Nahmad (guess where he lives?)
Conrad Black
Chris Collins
Bernard Kerik
Elliott Broidy (check out what he did)
Stephanie Mohr (check out what she did)
Duke Cunningham (check out what he did)
Jesse Benton and John Tate (check out what they did)
Charles Kushner (check out what Jared's daddy did)

Next up on the dirty presidential pardon list that doesn't bother you: the January 6 "hostages."

You've only hypothesized and fantasized.
That's why you want your useless "take a guess" question to be legitimized.
Because no real response from you has materialized.

Anonymous said...

Well thank you for conceding that you think Hunter will indeed get that Biden Family pardon, which finally answers my burning question.

But I apologize that my burning question agitated you so much that it kept you up past 3:00 AM.

Anonymous said...

You definitely should have burned your question.

It's cute how you need to make up imaginary answers to vindicate your hypothetical scenarios.