Saturday, June 20, 2020

Everybody agrees: the Washington Post sucks

Follow up to this hot garbage story on the offended SJWs.  Hot Air: "Readers Unanimously Agree The Post Made A Huge Mistake Publishing That Halloween Cancel Culture Story."


Anonymous said...

The fact that the doxxed woman was a devout liberal shows the progressives are doomed to turn on each other.

"My righteousness exceeds yours. The good is the enemy of the perfect. Therefore you must be punished."

Anonymous said...

The fact that the doxxed woman was a devout liberal shows the progressives are doomed to turn on each other.

Wow, I finally agree with failed political consultant Steve Schmidt, who called Wacko John Bolton “a despicable man who failed in his duty to protect America.” Also stated that he should never be allowed to serve in government again. So true! Plain and simple, John Bolton,....

.....who was all washed up until I brought him back and gave him a chance, broke the law by releasing Classified Information (in massive amounts). He must pay a very big price for this, as others have before him. This should never to happen again!!!

Bolton broke the law and has been called out and rebuked for so doing, with a really big price to pay. He likes dropping bombs on people, and killing them. Now he will have bombs dropped on him!

Anonymous said...

And notice how her grovelling apology had no effect. She "said she has spent many hours in therapy talking about 'how carelessly I behaved...I've hung my head for months. I hurt people in my carelessness.'" Apparently she thought her fellow travelers would value forgiving her more than they valued the delight of continuing to hate her.

Maybe if she had just knelt with a slave-trader Kente cloth around her neck...

Eric said...

You know, she was trying to mock Megan Kelly but soon realized her costume was in poor taste. She left the party (allegedly in tears) and phoned Tom Toles the next day to apologize.

The whole dumpster fire makes me want to punch the Washington Post in the mouth, if it had one.

Anonymous said...

It's definitely the top outrage of the week, and nothing else is close.

Anonymous said...

Someone being fired from their job because of a smug person's malevolent political agenda? It's nauseating.

"The spirit of revenge taken to an odious extreme"? This week, THIS is that story. Do not let yourself get distracted from this, the big story.

Eric said...

Let me know the address of your blog where you can talk about what YOU want.

Anonymous said...

You already know the address:

Trump trailing in Wisconsin (again) and Ohio (again) and North Carolina (again).

Senator Tillis losing (again). Governor Cooper winning big (again) after expressly driving away the GOP Convention, costing the state jobs and money.

Donald Trump disapproval margins of 13%, 15%, 17%, 19% and 20%.